Dime Novel Round-Up
Bibliographic listings Contents 1980-89 Contents 1970-79
Happy Hours Magazine 1925-36
Contents of recent issues:
Spring 2024
Edith Craine's Airplane Boys Series, Part One (by David K. Vaughan)
Digging into dimenovels.org: A Rich Resource (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Joe's Spotlight: Fireside Monthly pub. Leslie & Co. [Alfred Leslie] (by Joe Rainone)
Winter 2023
The Republican Campaign Songster and the Origins of the Dime Novel (by Matthew Short)
Story Paper Author Bella D. Hixon -- A Very Brief Biography and Overview of Her Work (by Deidre A. Johnson)
A Glimpse of Research in the Stratemeyer Syndicate Records at New York Public Library (excerpt from a letter from James Keeline)
Dime Novel Review: The Fool of the Family by Bracebridge Hemyng, Round the World Library #29 (review and commentary by Demian Katz)
Book Review: Flying Adventurers: Juvenile Aviation Series Books in America, 1909-1964 by David K. Vaughan (reviewed by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Letter: response to Cornelius article in Fall 2023 issue from Joseph K. Strang; response to Strang from Cornelius
Letter: query from Jim Deutsch about numbering system in membership list in Spring issue
Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
Joe's Spotlight: Leslie's Once A Month pub. Leslie & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Fall 2023
The Hardy Boys: Male Friendship Groups, and Zombies (by Michael C. Cornelius)
Harry S. Truman: Pulp Fan (by Demian Katz)
Notes & Queries; Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
The Final Chapter: H. Alan Pickrell [obituary]
Joe's Spotlight: Frank Tousey's By the Way Series pub. G. W. Simmons & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Summer 2023
The Hardy Boys Redux: Critiquing an Updated Series [Secret Files] (by Peter C. Walther)
Raiders of the Lost Library: The Strange Case of the Multum in Parvo Library (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Poetry in Beadle & Adams's Saturday Journal -- a first look (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Reviews: Civil War Ephemera Volume One: Sensational Fact & Fiction, by A. J. Grantleigh and Joseph Rainone (reviewed by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Letters: Response to Bremseth article in Spring 2023 with additional long-running titles (sent by Douglas G. Greene)
Notes & Queries; Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
Joe's Spotlight [#1]: New Five Cent Library pub. G. W. Simmons & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Joe's Spotlight [#2]: New York Ledger of Wit pub. Sheldon, Howard & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Spring 2023
Lucille C. Hollis - "A Parson's Daughter" - Lucille Hollis Knapp (by Deidre A. Johnson)
The Helen Wells and Julie Tatham Vicki Barr Flight Stewardess Series, Part II (by David K. Vaughan)
Dime Novelties: The Longest Continuously Published Magazines in the United States (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Notes & Queries; Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Joe's Spotlight: The Flag of the Free pub.Williams Brothers
(by Joe Rainone)
Winter 2022
The Helen Wells and Julie Tatham Vicki Barr Flight Stewardess Series, Part I (by David K. Vaughan)
N. C. Wyeth: The Street & Smith Paintings (by Demian Katz) [includes list of known Wyeth covers on S&S publications]
Notes & Queries; Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
Joe's Spotlight: Evening Bells: Illustrated Family Magazine [Alternate title: American Home Illustrated Family Journal] pub. International Pub. and Print Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Fall 2022
Too Little Time: The Life and Works of Lettie Artley Irons (by Deidre Johnson)
Paperback Detective: The Story of Nick Carter (by J. Randolph Cox) [Final installment] -- Chapter ten [Nick Carter -- Killmaster]
Dime Novelties: William Almon Wolff (by Melissa Brown, Wolff's grand-niece)
The Reference Shelf
Review: Old Marvel, The Scientific Detective by Grip, eds. Mark Williams and Ann Wicker; Introduction by Joe Rainone (reviewed by Marlena Bremseth)
Notes & queries; Letters (letter from James Cox, J. Randolph Cox's brother, with reminiscence and photo of Randy as a boy); Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
Joe's Spotlight: The True Union Flag: An Independent Fireside Miscellany... pub. Moses Johnson & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Summer 2022
Frank G. Patchin and the Missing Book Case [Patchin's life and writings] (by James D. Keeline)
Paperback Detective: The Story of Nick Carter (by J. Randolph Cox) -- Chapter eight [Nick Carter movies]; Chapter nine [Nick Carter and Chick Carter radio shows; Nick Carter in Shadow Comics]
The Reference Shelf
Notes & Queries: Northern Illinois University and Villanova University receive NEH funding to digitize Frank Tousey publications; Recently digitized dime novels from Villanova at Project Gutenberg
Joe's Spotlight: Our Fireside Friend pub. Waters, Eberts & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Spring 2022
Charles Morris' Will Wildfire Series: Adventures in Philadelphia and Beyond (by Demian Katz)
Paperback Detective: The Story of Nick Carter (by J. Randolph Cox) -- Chapter six [Nick Carter short stories -- Ainslee's, The New York Weekly, Harrison Keith]; Chapter Seven [Nick Carter on the Stage -- U. S. and France]
Dime Novelties: Randy [J. Randolph Cox] and Me (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Reference Shelf; Notes and Queries
Final chapter (obituary): Frank Wayne Quillen
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership list
Joe's Spotlight: The Illustrated Family Monthly pub. Shaw & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Winter 2021
Obituary of John Randolph Cox
Tributes to Randy Cox: Randy Cox -- A Remembrance (by Deidre Johnson); Letters and reminiscences from Kevin Parker (Friends of Freddy), Alan and Ellie Pickrell, Demian Katz, Joe Rainone, Kathleen Chamberlain, Peter C. Walther, and Dan Magnusan
Paperback Detective: The Story of Nick Carter (by J. Randolph Cox -- Chapter five [Nick Carter in The New York Weekly]
Reference Shelf; Notes and Queries
Joe's Spotlight: The Illustrated Library pub. Nickel Library Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Fall 2021
Mystery, Containment, Destruction: Science Fiction and the Hardy Boys (by Michael G. Cornelius)
Paperback Detective: The Story of Nick Carter, pt. 3 (chs. 3, cont'd; ch. 4: Instead of Nick Carter [dime novel stories featuring Nick's associates -- Patsy Murphy, Chick Carter, the Detective School sleuths]) by J. Randolph Cox
Dime Novelties: Yopp's News and Fruit Stand, Where a Particular New York Five Cent Library Copy Was Purchased around Christmas of 1892 (by Mark Williams)
Letters: Rev. Gayle Marsh with update on editor emeritus J. Randolph Cox [shortly before his death on Sept. 14, 2021]
Joe's Spotlight: The Arm Chair: Complete Stories, Romances, Adventures, Anecdotes, and Incidents of Travel [with inside title Arm Chair Journal], pub. James H. Brigham (by Joe Rainone)
Summer 2021
The Murder of James H. Beadle; or, The Sensational Mystery at the Origin of the Dime Novel (by Matthew Short)
Paperback Detective: The Story of Nick Carter, pt. 2 (ch. 2 The Nick Carter Weekly; ch. 3: From Five-cent Weekly to Pulp Magazine) by J. Randolph Cox
Dime Novelties (reflections by Peter Walther)
Review: The Frisco Detective; or The Golden Gate Find by Albert Aiken (review by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Obituary: Norman Knott
Joe's Spotlight: The Cherub; or, Illustrated Home Guest pub. J. Latham & Co. (by Joe Rainone)
Spring 2021
Paperback Detective: The Story of Nick Carter, pt. 1 (Introduction and ch. 1, The Nick Carter Library) by J. Randolph Cox
America's Social Bandits in Fact and Fiction [Jesse and Frank James and their cohorts] (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership list
Winter 2020
The Good, the Bad and the Happy Hours Brotherhood [honorary members including James Robert (Windy Jim) Cummins and Emmett Dalton] (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra) (Note: missing pg. 127 of article included as insert in Spring 2021 issue)
Graham M. Dean's Tim Murphy Series (by David K. Vaughan)
Dime Novelties: Dime Novels Rooted in News Events (by
Deidre A. Johnson)
Review: Girls to the Rescue: Young Heroines in American Series Fiction of World War I by Emily Hamilton-Honey and Susan Ingalls-Lewis (review by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Notes & Queries: URLs for sessions from Papers for the People posted to YouTube
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
from Villanova University
Joe's Spotlight: Munro's Girls and Boys of America,
vol. VII, #171 (Christmas issue), Jan 6, 1877,
published by George Munro (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2020
Why Aren't American Ghosts Real? The Rational American Narrator in Dime Novels (by Sata Prescott)
The Collected Adventures of Nicholas Carter (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographic Rambles: John Townsend Trowbridge (by Peter C. Walther)
Papers for the People: A Symposium on the Dime Novel [Announcement and Schedule]
Review: Queen of the Pulps: The Reign of Daisy Bacon and Love Story Magazine,
by Laurie Powers (review by J. Randolph Cox)
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
from Villanova University
Joe's Spotlight: The New York Weekly Novelist: A Journal of Romance, Instruction, and Amusement, vol XI., no. 1 (sample copy -- Jan. 6, 1883)
published by Novelist Publishing Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Summer 2020
"Nobody'd ever know that there was a piece of you missin'": Amputees and Artificial Limbs in the Dime Novels of Beadle & Adams (by Matthew Short)
Noteworthy Figures in the Development of 19th-century American Series: Founding Fathers, Stupendous Sellers -- and a Few Others (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Review: A Saint I Ain't: The Biography of Leslie Charteris,
by Ian Dickerson
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: NEH grant to Northern Illinois University, Villanova University, and several other partners for digitizing Street & Smith dime novels (a continuation of the Beadle & Adams digitization project grant)
Obituary: Joseph Thomas Slavin III, series book collector and researcher, died of COVID-19.
Joe's Spotlight: Manvers; or, The Child of Crime,
pub. by Akarman and Ormsby [with additional information on the publishers] (by Joseph Rainone)
Spring 2020
Helen Mary Corwin Fisher Pierce (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Bibliographic Rambles #13 [includes discussion of a letter by Horatio Alger, Jr., and of the Rover Boys parody The Dover Boys at Pimento University] (by Peter C. Walther)
Dime Novelties: Arthur B. Reeve and a Birth of Surpassing Strangeness [The Mysterious Birth of Stephen Yates] (by Douglas G. Greene)
PCA/ACA Conference schedule
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
The Reference Shelf
Notes & Queries
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
from Villanova University
Joe's Spotlight: Life in California; or, The Treasure Seekers' Expedition by Charles E. Averill
published by George H. Williams, 1849 (by Joseph Rainone)
Winter 2019
A One-Eighth Disadvantage: Race Relations in the
Nineteenth Century American South from the Perspective
of British Author M. E. Braddon (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Family and Fiction: A Closer Look at Sarah West Lander
and Her Specacles Series (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Dime Novelties: The Phantom Detective Revisited (by
J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Final issue of Susabella Passengers and Friends
issued in Sept. 2019
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
from Villanova University
Joe's Spotlight: The National Weekly Story Paper,
vol. 1, #10 (sample copy)
published by Columbia Publishing Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2019
Dime Novel Monsters: The Monstrous and Prehistoric in Early Popular
Fiction (by Demian Katz)
Noel Sainsbury's Billy Smith Flying Ace Series, Part 2 (by David K. Vaughan)
Convention Report: PulpFest 2019 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review: The Cases of Lieutenant Timothy Trant,
eds. Curtis Evans and Douglas G. Greene (review by J. Randolph Cox)
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
from Villanova University
Joe's Spotlight: Franklin's Miscellany, vol 1., no. 7 (Jan. 27, 1838)
published by B. D. Cousins (by Joseph Rainone)
Summer 2019
Noel Sainsbury's Billy Smith Flying Ace Series, Part 1 (by David K. Vaughan)
Setting the Record Straight: What Did Willia Everett
Really Say about Beadle's Dime Books
(by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Waxing in Washington, D. C.: PCA/ACA 2019 (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Review: The Thing's Incredible! The Secret Origins of
Weird Tales, by John Locke
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries:
Red Ryder Radio series and air-rifle
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
Image of Brewster F2A-2 "Buffalo" (referenced in Spring 2019 Erisman
Spring 2019
The Navy Takes to the Skies: Blaine Miller's Bob Wakefield
Books (by Fred Erisman) (see Summer 2019 for additional image)
Examining the "Man on Mountain" Pattern in Beadle's
Dime Novels (by Demian Katz)
Dime Novelties: The Detective Tales Pamphlets
(by Douglas G. Greene)
Review: The Age of Dimes and Pulps: A History of
Sensationalist Literature, 1830-1960,
by Jerry Agnew
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Reflections on connections between
newspaper comic strips and story paper serials; brief reminiscence
about communication with pulp author Van Wyck Mason
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Joe's Spotlight: Good Fortune, vol. 2, #6,
pub. by The American Publishing Company (by Joseph Rainone)
Winter 2018
Mixed Melodies: Mrs. M. A. Osgood and Her Musical Family and Little Canary Series (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Review: Challenge the Impossible: The Final Problems of Dr. Sam Hawthorne , by Edward D. Hoch (review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries:
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
from Villanova University
Joe's Spotlight: Whom to Marry and How to Get Married published by Garrett & Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2018
Albert Johannsen: Artist, Scientist, Collector, and Bibliographer (by Matthew Short)
Raiders of the Lost Library: The Strange Case of the Multum in Parvo
Library, Part 2 [includes bibliographic listing of series] (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Dime Novelties: Building Personal Libraries (by Peter C. Walther)
Convention Report: PulpFest 2018 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review: Scheherazade's Last Night and Other Plays, by Jules Verne (Palik Series) (review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Commentary on dime novel detective series and authors of detective fiction; Update on Northern Illinois University's scanning project (over 1000 issues of Beadle's Dime Library online, and over 6000 digitized dime novels total);
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
from NIU University and other sources
Joe's Spotlight: Mammoth Monthly Reader, vol 3., no. 2 (April 1876) published by Street & Smith (by Joseph Rainone)
Summer 2018
Raiders of the Lost Library: The Strange Case of the Multum in Parvo
Library, Part 1 (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Motor Stories: Dime Novels in Transition (by Demian Katz)
Review: The Shadow in Review: The Ultimate Guide to the Pulp Magazine
Stories, by John Olsen
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Review: The Mountie: From Dime Novel to Disney, by Michael Dawson
(review by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Letters: Demian Katz and Bob Robinson: responses to Spring 2018 article on dime novels on eBay
Obituary: Al Tonik
Notes & Queries:
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
Joe's Spotlight: Leonie, The Type Writer published by [Norman L.] Munro's Publishing House (by Joseph Rainone)
Spring 2018
The Multi-Faceted Life of Samuel Woodworth Cozzens, Author of the
Trail Hunters Series, pt. 3 (by David K. Vaughan)
Dime Novelties: The Phantom Detective (by J. Randolph Cox) [see Summer 2018 for cover image from Spring 1953]
Investigations in Indianapolis: PCA/ACA 2018 [conference report] (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Let the Buyer Be Aware: Shopping for Dime Novels on Ebay (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Review: Flickering Shadows: How the Master of Darkness Brightened the Silver Screen,
by Ed Hulse
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Update on Johannsen Project at NIU (all issues of Beadle's Half Dime Library now online; additional items added
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
Joe's Spotlight: Boys Own Library #6,
pub. by Jesse Haney & Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Winter 2017
A Publishing Life: Jennie Davis Burton -- Writer and Wife (by Deidre Johnson)
The Multi-Faceted Life of Samuel Woodworth Cozzens, Author of the
Trail Hunters Series, pt. 2 (by David K. Vaughan)
Disposing of a Book Collection: The Cox Collection of Popular
Culture at the University of Minnesota (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review: All But Impossible: The Impossible Files of
Dr. Sam Hawthorne,
by Edward D, Hoch
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Correction for cover image of Fall 2017 issue
Notes & Queries: Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
Joe's Spotlight: Mike Fink: A Legend of the Ohio by Emerson Bennett,
pub. by U. P. James (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2017
The Multi-Faceted Life of Samuel Woodworth Cozzens, Author of the
Trail Hunters Series, pt. 1 (by David K. Vaughan) [See Winter 2017 for
letter correcting caption on cover image]
Mary Noel: A Brief Biography (by Deidre Johnson)
Dime Novelties IV: Random Thoughts from an Unhinged Mind [includes reflections
on Frederick Burton and an unpublished mystery story] (by Peter C. Walther)
Convention Report: PulpFest 2017 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review: Robur the Conqueror, by Jules Verne, ed. Arthur B. Evans, Introduction and
Trans. by Alex Kirstukas (review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Cox Collection donated to University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: FUN, Fact & Fancy,
pub. by T. W. Strong (by Joseph Rainone)
Summer 2017
Themed issue: Celebrating the Albert Johannsen Collection [at Northern Illinois University]
The Albert Johannsen Project: Digitizing The House of Beadle
and Adams and Its Nickel and Dime Novels (by Demian Katz and Matthew Short)
The Shape of Beadle's Dime Novels: Using Syuzhet to Study 19th-Century
Popular Fiction (by Matthew Short)
My Life Among the Dime Novels; or, How Albert Johannsen's Bibliography Saved
the Day (by
J. Randolph Cox)
Dime Novelties III: Gems Rediscovered: Book Reviews of Albert Johannsen's The
House of Beadle and Adams (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Conference Summary: PCA/ACA 2017
Review: Castles of California: Two Plays, by Jules Verne, ed. Brian Taves, Introduction and
Trans. by Kieran M. O'Driscoll (review by J. Randolph Cox)
Final chapter [obituary]: John T. (Jack) Dizer
New Dime Novel Sketches: Frank Leslie Jr.'s Pictorial,
pub. by Frank Leslie, Jr., Pictorial Publishing Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Letters: More on The Welcome Guest (from Peter C. Walther)
Spring 2017
A Closer Look at the Life and Career of Lucy A. (Mrs.
Benjamin F.) Baer [Kate F. Hill] (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Dime Novelties I: Benjamin W. Hitchcock, Music Publisher --
and More (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Dime Novelties II: The Library of Congress and the Happy Hours
Brotherhood [includes reprint of "A Monument For Deadwood Dick of
Dime Novel Fame" and letter from V. Valta Parma, Curator Rare Book Collection,
both from July 1934 issue] (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Review: Doc Savage: The Sinister Shadow,
by Kenneth Robeson [Will Murray]
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
New Dime Novel Sketches: The Comic Weekly [1896],
pub. by Benjamin W. Hitchcock (by Joseph Rainone
and Deidre A. Johnson)
Winter 2016
The Poetry of [Mrs. Alex McVeigh Miller's] Kathleen's
Diamonds: An Analysis (by Demian Katz)
In Ole' Californy': Beadle & Adams Dime Novels Set in
the Golden State (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
If Piracy Pays, Why Be Original? (by
E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra) [reusing illustrations, especially in
Beadle & Adams publications]
Convention Report: Pulpfest 2016 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review: The Purple Flame and Other Detective Storie,
by Frederick Irving Anderson, ed. Benjamin F. Fisher
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: Gleason's Literary Companion
--Novelette Complete,
pub. by F[rederick]. Gleason (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2016
The Evolution of Air Service
Boys Series: The Correspondence of St. George Rathborne and
Edward Stratemeyer, 1917-1920 (by David K. Vaughan)
Slim Evans: Thomson Burtis's Forgotten Flyer (by Fred Erisman)
Schemes and Swindlers: The Story Behind Kelley's Weekly (by
Deidre Johnson)
Convention Report: Pulpfest 2016 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review: Golden Danube, by Jules Verne, ed. Brian Taves, Introduction and
Trans. by Kieran M. O'Driscoll, and A Priest in 1835, by Jules Verne,
ed. Brian Taves, Introduction and
Trans. by Daniele Chatelain and George Slusser
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Laurie Powers; Dime Novels Online; Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: Neely's Tourist Library,
pub. by F. Tennyson Neely (by Joseph Rainone)
Summer 2016
Col. Prentiss Ingraham's Darkie Dan, the Colored Detective and the
Confederacy's Last Cause (by Joshua Leavitt)
Urbanizing Brooklyn in Maro O. Rolfe's Diamond Dan, The Brooklyn
Divorce Detective (by Nicole Zeftel)
Serials and Scholars in Seattle: PCA/ACA 2016 Conference Report (by
Deidre Johnson)
Review: Pennies, Profits and Poverty: A Bibliographical
Dictionary of Wealth and Want in Bohemian Fleet Street, by Robert J. Kirkpatrick
(review by E. Michael Sanchez-Saavedra)
Letters: More on The Welcome Guest (from Peter C. Walther)
Notes & Queries: Francis Van Wyck Mason; Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: The New York Merry Masker,
pub. by Collin & Small (by Joseph Rainone)
Spring 2016
Another Trojan Bit the Dust (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra) [history of the phrase
"bit the dust"; includes reprint of Arthur Guiterman's "Ballad of Dime Novels"]
Carl H. Claudy, Part 3: The Late Years, Part 3 (by Edwin L. Murray) [concludes
essay begun in Spring 2015; includes bibliography for previous installments]
Frank Merriwell: Paragon of the Paperbacks. Review-essay for
Frank Merriwell and the Fiction of All-American Boyhood: The Progressive
Era Creation of the Schoolboy Sports Story by
Ryan K. Anderson (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Review: The Radio Boys and Girls: Radio, Telegraph,
Telephone and Wireless Adventures for Juvenile Readers, 1890-1945
by Mike Adams
(reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Obituaries: John V. Cody; Victor A. Berch; Douglas A. Rossman
Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: The Welcome Guest, pub. by Ballou (by Joseph Rainone)
Winter 2015
The Collector's Edition, Gold Star Books: Edward T. LeBlanc,
Consulting Editor (by J. Randolph Cox)
Carl H. Claudy, Part 3: The Late Years, Part 2 (by Edwin L. Murray)
Reviews: Oliver Optic, The Juvenile Rebellion: The Civil War Dialogues,
Edited and with an introduction by Peter C. Walther; foreword by John T. Dizer. Volume
3 of The Lost Works of Oliver Optic (review by J. Randolph Cox);
I Believe in Sherlock Holmes: Early Fan Fiction from the Very First Fandom, edited by
Douglas G. Green (review by Marlena Bremseth)
Obituaries: John Springhall; Gilbert K. Westgard II
Notes & Queries: Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: The Wild Rover, pub. by Jones & Hill (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2015
Ned Buntline [E. Z. C. Judson] and the Allen Family of Pittsburgh (by Dennis M.
Carl H. Claudy, Part 3: The Late Years, Part 1 (by Edwin L. Murray)
Dime Novelties: Street & Smith's Rosedale Library: A Provisional Description (by
Robert Beasecker)
Conference Report: Pulpfest 2015 (by J. Randolph Cos and Walker Martin)
Review: Hollywood Presents Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction on Screen, by Brian Taves
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: More on the Nick Carter story "The Mystery of Mrs. Dickinson" (comment from Peter C. Walter;
additional information from J. Randolph Cox)
Obituary: Bob Adey
Notes & Queries: Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: Climax, pub. by Climax Publishing Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Summer 2015
The Short Stories of Nicholas Carter [in New York Weekly and Ainslee's; also Harrison Keith connection] (by J.
Randolph Cox)
Carl H. Claudy, Part 2: The Middle Years (by Edwin L. Murray)
Networking in New Orleans: 2015 PCA/ACA Conference Report (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Review: The Deadwood Trail, by Gilbert Patten (retrospective
review by J. Randolph Cox); The Treason Trust: The Lost Craig Kennedy Stories, by Arthur B. Reeve
(review by J. Randolph Cox)
Obituary: David Dom
Notes & Queries: Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: Humorous American Works, pub. by Gatz and Beck (by Joseph Rainone)
Spring 2015
Carl H. Claudy, Part I: The Early Years (by Edwin L. Murray)
Arthur B. Reeve's Craig Kennedy, the Scientific Detective, and
a Christmas Mystery (by Douglas G. Greene)
A Short History of the Happy Hours Brotherhood (by J. Randolph Cox) (rpt. from Fall 2002)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Review: The Adventures of the Plated Spoon and other Tales of Sherlock Holmes,
ed. by Loren D. Estleman
(reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Justin Gilbert with additions and corrections to Edwin Brett bibliography (in Fall 2014 supplement)
Notes & Queries
Winter 2014
Nick, We Hardly Know Ye [foreign editions of Nick Carter] (by Larry Latham)
Beadle Brothers Battle Over Songbook Origin: The Betrayal of Irwin Pedro Beadle (by Lydia
Cushman Schurman)
Possible Revelations about Revelations of a Lady Detective; or, How Victorian Yellowback
Publishers Created Bibliographic Confusion (by Douglas G. Greene) [addendum to Spring 2014
Reviews: Frank Merriwell's Schooldays, by Gilbert Patten (retrospective
review by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Dime Novels and Story Papers in the Media; Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
Obituaries: Mary Cadogan, Larry Edward Latham
New Dime Novel Sketches: The Sunny South (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2014 -- Supplement
A Bibliography of the Newsagents' Publishing Company and Edwin J. Brett (by Robert J. Kirkpatrick)
(See also Letters, Spring 2015)
Fall 2014
Edwin J. Brett and the Newsagents' Publishing Company,
Charles Stevens, and Frederick Farrah -- the Untold Story, pt. 2 (by Robert J. Kirkpatrick)
Convention Report: Pulpfest 2014 (by J. Randolph Cox, 2014 recipient of the Munsey Award)
Reviews: The Groom of the Tomb; or, Lancelot Darling's Decisions, by Demian Katz (by J.
Randolph Cox); The Illustrated Dime Novel Price Guide Companion, by Joseph L. Rainone and E. M.
Sanchez-Saavedra (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Notes & Queries: More on Gilbert Patten; Recent Project Gutenberg ebooks
transcribed from Villanova University's scanning project
New Dime Novel Sketches: Kelley's Weekly (by Joseph Rainone)
Summer 2014
Edwin J. Brett and the Newsagents' Publishing Company,
Charles Stevens, and Frederick Farrah -- the Untold Story, pt. 1 (by Robert J. Kirkpatrick)
Chicago Connections: 2014 PCA/ACA Conference Report
(by Deidre A. Johnson)
Reviews: Hidden Stories: The Lost Stories of Paul S. Powers, by Laurie Powers;
Bandits & Rebels by Jules Verne, ed. Brian Taves; Small Horatio Alger Books
Published by Thomas D. Hurst by Bradford S. Chase (all reviewed by J. Randolph Cox);
Dime Novels and the Roots of American Detective Fiction by Pamela Bedore (reviewed
by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Letters: Announcement that Whispered Watchword (begun in Nov. 1985) has ceased publication
New Dime Novel Sketches: The Uncle Sam, pub. by Williams, Hartigan, & Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Spring 2014
The Yellowback and the Detective Story (by Douglas G. Greene) [addendum in Winter 2014]
A Genuine Southern Darkey: Social Commentary in Harry Kane's Sam Johnson,
the Negro Detective (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
More Mystery for a Dime: Street & Smith and the First Pulp Detective Magazine (by J.
Randolph Cox) [updated rpt. from Clues 1981]
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Reviews: Wordslingers: An Epitaph for the Western, by Will Murray;
Radio Rides the Range: A Reference Guide to Western Drama on the Air, 1929-1967,
eds. Jack French and David S. Siegal (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Paul S. Powers Collection at Ohio State University
New Dime Novel Sketches: Under the Gaslight, pub. by Gaslight Publishing Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Winter 2013
A Checklist of the Serial Novelettes Appering in Gleason's/Ballou's Pictorial
Drawing-Room Companion (by Peter C. Walther)
Mrs. Miller Lives: The Digitalization Process for Story Papers and Dime Novels -- and Some
Unexpected Consequences (by Demian Katz)
Reviews: Pulpwood Days, Volume 2: Lives of the Pulp Writers, ed. John Locke; Paperback Confidential: Crime Writers
of the Paperback Era, by Brian Ritt; Mr. Frank Merriwell (1941) by Gilbert
Patten (all reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
New Dime Novel Sketches: The Pen and Pencil, pub. by T. R. Dawley & Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
Fall 2013
Two Women Who Wrote for the Story Papers: Minnie Belle Tresenrider and Mary
Grace Halpine (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Nancy Drew and the Ethics of Perfection (by Michael G. Cornelius)
Betty Wales, Documentarian: The Real Life of College Fiction (by Jill Hobgood)
Conference Report: vupop 1: Paper for the People: Dime Novels and Early Mass Market Publishing (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Convention Report: Pulpfest 2013 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Nick Carter and the Green-Goods Man (1899, 1916); Captain Midnight's Post-War
Radio Years by Leonard Zane (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Summer 2013
Voices from the Past Issue
The Dime Novel: A Letter from One of the Authors Who Contributed to the Beadle Series
[rpt. of Edward S. Ellis letter, New York Sun, June 1900]
Ellis, Beadle Novel Man [response to Ellis's letter; rpt. from New York Sun, June 1900]
The Story of a Great Dime Novelist (by Fred C. Kelly) [rpt. from McClure's, Feb. 1921]
Then and Now (by W. S. Birge) [rpt. from The Editor, Nov. 1914]
Conference Report [PCA/ACA National Conference] (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Reviews: Around the World in 80 Days. The 1874 Play, ed. Brian Taves; Doc Savage: Skull Island, by Will Murray (both
reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); From the Penny Dreadful to the Ha'penny Dreadfuller: A Bibliographic History of the Boys' Periodical
in Britain 1762-1950 by Robert J. Kirkpatrick (reviewed by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Notes & Queries: Nick Carter's influence on Street & Smith; Villanova University's Story Paper & Dime Novel Digitization Project
Spring 2013
Bibliography of William Murray Graydon's Works [pt. 2: C-Z] (by Georges T. Dodds )
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Review: Two Classic Adventures of Nick Carter; Two Thrilling Adventures of The Phantom Detective (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
New Dime Novel Sketches: Fox's Sensational Series, pub. by Richard K. Fox Publishing House (by Joseph Rainone)
2013: periodical becomes quarterly instead of bimonthy
December 2012 :
William Murray Graydon: A Brief Biography (by Georges T. Dodds)
Bibliography of William Murray Graydon's Works [pt. 1: A-B] (by Georges T. Dodds )
Bibliographical Notes: (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: The Lone Ranger Rides [by Fran Striker] (rpt.); The Green Spider and Other Forgotten Tales of Mystery and Suspense and The Leopard Couch and Other Stories of the Fantastic and Supernatural [both by Sax Rohmer], comp. and ed. by Gene Christie (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Memoirs of an Editor [reminiscences of 18 years editing DNRU] (by J. Randolph Cox)
New Dime Novel Sketches: People's Illustrated Monthly Telephone, pub. by George H. Gilman (by Joseph Rainone)
October 2012 :
Silvertip: Max Brand's Pulp Series (by J. Randolph Cox)
Silvertip in the Comics (by J. Randolph Cox)
Convention Report: Pulpfest 2012 (by J. Randolph Cox)
New Dime Novel Sketches: Mystery Magazine, pub. by Frank Tousey/Harry E. Wolff (by Joseph Rainone)
August 2012 :
The State of Fan Fiction in the Tom Swift Universe (by George W. Dombi)
Joanna H. Mathews and Julia A. Mathews (by Deidre A. Johnson)
The Devil's Colporteur (by Lyman Abbott?; rpt. from Illustrated Christian Weekly, 1874)
Strange Encounter (by J. Randolph Cox) (rpt from DNRU 34 [1965]) [J. Randolph Cox's first published article in DNRU]
Bibliographical Notes: (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Popular History and the Literary Marketplace, 1840-1920 by Gregory M. Pfitzer; Charlotte M. Brame (1836-1884): Towards a Primary Bibliography, by Graham Law, Gregory Drozdz, and Debby McNally (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox) [available online (pdf)]
Notes & Queries: Summary of "Old King Brady, Nick Carter and Frank Merriwell" from April 1941 Cleveland Plain Dealer
New Dime Novel Sketches: Leslie's Young America, pub. by Leslie & Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
June 2012 :
On Stage, Nicholas Carter! (by J. Randolph Cox)
Theatre de l'Ambigu-Comique Nick Carter [1909 article by Louis Schneider summarizing Alexandre Bisson and Guillaume Livet's Nick Carter play] (translated by Eleanor L. Marker and Maria L. Messina)
Conference Report: PCA 2012 -- Back to Boston (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations: Being Further Comments and Annotations to the Episodes in the Saga of Legend [and Ernest Pratt] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Victor Horton's Idea (by Edward Stratemeyer), annotated and edited by James Keeline; The Palik Series (by Jules Verne) (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Reflections and queries on "John Russell Coryell Writing as Bertha M. Clay" [April 2012 issue] from Graham Law
Notes & Queries: More on Coryell
New Dime Novel Sketches: Gleason's Shilling "Shockers" and 25 Cent Novels, pub. by F. Gleason (by Joseph Rainone)
April 2012 :
John Russell Coryell Writing as Bertha M. Clay [includes transcripts of some of Coryell's correspondence; also A Checklist of John R. Coryell's Serials in the New York Weekly] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: U. S. Popular Print Culture 1860-1920 ed. by Christine Bold (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); Crime, Mystery, and Gangster Fiction Magazine Index, 1915-2010, by Phil Stephensen-Payne, William G. Contento, and Stephen T. Miller (reviewed by Richard Bleiler)
New Dime Novel Sketches: Boys' Own Story Teller, pub. by N. L. Munro & Co. (by Joseph Rainone)
February 2012 :
A Short Biography of Samuel Bracebridge Heming ("Bracebridge Hemyng") (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra )
Remember the Alamo! But Joseph A. Altsheler's Texan Series Not So Much (by Robert M. McIlvaine)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Reviews: Thomas D. Hurst and His Publication of Horatio Alger Books by Bradford S. Chase (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Two additional titles in Dick Dobbs Weekly; Obituary: Robert E. Briney
December 2011 :
A Preliminary Bibliography of the Writings of Samuel Bracebridge Heming ("Bracebridge Hemyng") (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Bibliographical Notes: Bracebridge Heming and Street & Smith [Bibliography of Hemyng in Street & Smith's dime novel and paperback series] (by J. Randolph Cox)
October 2011 :
Vicki Barr en francais: Issues in Translating Silver Wings for Vicki (by Michael G. Cornelius)
Convention Report: Pulpfest 2011 - July 29-31, 2011 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographical Notes: The Famous Authors Series (by J. Randolph Cox and Morgan Wallace)
Judy Bolton in Minnesota [the authors' daughters visit the CLRC, U of MN] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Riding the Pulp Trail (by Paul S. Powers), introduction by Laurie Powers; Unmasked: The Forgotten Origins of Hollywood's Most Famous Western Heroes, ed. Tom Roberts (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: 156 issues of Beadle's Weekly online at U of MN; Marie L ger-St-Jean's Price One Penny: A Database of Cheap Literature, 1827-1860 online; Walter B. Gibson pseudonymous author of Vicki Barr title The Brass Idol Mystery
August 2011 :
En Garde! The Exploits of the Cardinal's Cavaliers (by J. Randolph Cox) [includes Checklist of the Works of Murray Richardson Montgomery]
"I got my Ledger": Young Alice Stone Blackwell and the New York Ledger (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Bibliographical Notes: Seven Splendid Spinners: Victorian Popular Biographies (by Amy Gale)
Reviews: Two Classic Adventures of the Shadow: The Eyes of the Shadow and The Money Master and Two Classic Adventures of the Shadow: The Shadow Laughs and Voice of Death (by Walter B. Gibson) (rpts.) (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Speculation on the Authorship of "The Boy Hunters" in Irwin's Six Penny Tales
Obituary: Arlene Moore
June 2011 :
Sax Rohmer: Literary Heir of Arthur Conan Doyle and H. Rider Haggard (by Alan Pickrell)
Nancy Naylor and the Feminine Mystique (by Fred Erisman)
Conference Report: 2011 PCA/ACA Conference (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Reviews: The Hero of a Hundred Fights: Collected Stories from the Dime Novel King [Edward Zane Carroll Judson], from Buffalo Bill to Wild Bill Hickok, ed. Clay Reynolds; Two Classic Adventures of the Shadow: The Living Shadow and The Black Hush by Walter B. Gibson (rpt.); The Shadow: The History and Mystery of the Radio Program, 1930 - 1954 by Martin Grams, Jr. (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Rare Dime Novel -- another extant copy of No. 1, Irwin's Six Penny Tales; Obituary: Bill Blackbeard
April 2011 :
Captured by the Camera: Contemporary Images of Dime Novels and Dime Novel
Advertising, 1863-1918 (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Gone But Not Forgotten: Dr. Frank Patrick O'Brien, The First Dime Novel Collector (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Bibliographical Notes: Robert Clurman's Collection of Nick Carter Stories [Nick Carter, Detective:
Fiction's Most Celebrated Detective] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: A Transaction of Diamonds, Talbot Mundy in the Pulps, 1911 and
The Letter of His Orders: Three [Talbot Mundy] Novels from Adventure,
1913 (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Bob Storm of the Navy (Adventure Library, No. 64)
February 2011 :
Nancy Drew's Awkward Age (by Michael G. Cornelius)
Stratemeyer and Putnam: Contrasts in How a Turn-of-the Century Author and a
Turn-of-the Century Publisher Handled Plagiarism [Edward Stratemeyer;
George Putnam] (by James D. Keeline)
Teenage Fictioneers: The Amazing Caseys (by John Locke)
Reviews: Hobo Stories (by Patrick and Terence Casey), introduction by John Locke
(reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Additional information on The Nickel Library; reprint
of a 1914 poem by Lurana Sheldon
December 2010 :
"Writing 6 days out of 7": The Publishing History of Mrs. E. Burke Collins (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Chronological Listing of Sketches (Short Stories) by Mrs. E. Burke Collins in
The Family Story Paper 18 October 1880 - 8 June 1889 [also lists serials from Family
Story Paper, Fireside Companion, New York Weekly, and Saturday Night] (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Reviews: From Birdwomen to Skygirls: American Girls' Aviation Stories by Fred Erisman;
Baker Street Irregular by Jon Lellenberg (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Leslie's Young America's reprint of Joel Chandler Harris's "The Story of Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Fox"
October 2010 :
Progress and Prejudice: Noel Sainsbury's Flying Midshipmen (by Fred Erisman)
Joseph A. Altsheler's Feud with Henry James (by Robert M. McIlvaine)
Bibliographical Notes: The Boys Leader, British Edition [includes bibliographic listing] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Convention Report: PulpFest 2010 (by Walter Albert)
Reviews: The Boy Detectives: Essays on the Hardy Boys and Others, edited by
Michael G. Cornelius; Founders of Comic Fandom by Bill Schelly (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Joe Rainone on The Boys' Leader
Obituary: Rocco Joame Musemeche
Obituary: Tom Fagan
August 2010 :
Before There Was "Gansta" Rap There was "Bully Rag": Some Thoughts Inspired by Frank
Merriwell's Return to Yale (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Bibliographical Notes: The Boys Leader [includes bibliographic listing] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Again John Paul Jones: The Figure of History as Dime Novel Hero [cover images] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Who Was Mrs. Georgie Sheldon? (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Reviews: In a Righteous Cause: Talbot Mundy in Adventure 1913, introduction by
Peter Berresford Ellis; Remembering Radio: An Oral History of Old-Time Radio by David
S. Siegel (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Obituary: Everett Franklin Bleiler (April 30, 1920 - June 13, 2010)
Letters: Joe Rainone and Victor Berch remember E. F. Bleiler
June 2010 :
Red Ryder Once Again: The Merchandising of a Hero [in comic books and movies](by J. Randolph Cox)
Conference Report: PCA Round-Up 2010 (by Pamela Bedore)
Reviews: The Chaes of a Comet and The Mysterious Mirage (Frank Reade Weekly Reprint Series);
Storyteling in the Pulps, Comics, and Radio: How Technology Changed Popular Fiction in America by
Tim DeForest (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: Textual variants in "Texas Jack, the White King of the Pawnees"; DNRU reprints (oddities);
John K. Pollard Collection donated to California State Library, Los Angeles; Jim Towey reprints
February/April 2010 :
Wider Wings: Patricia O'Malley, Carol Rogers, and Women at
Work in Aviation (by Fred Erisman)
Marital Meanderings, Illicit Affairs, Murder and Mayhem! Real Life
Stories from the Dime Novel World [Irwin F. Beadle, William J. Benners, Jr.,
E. Burke Collins, Margretta Todd, Frank Tousey, Rosalie Tousey] (by Lydia C. Schurman)
Bibliographical Notes: John Buchan in the American Pulp Magazines (by J. Randolph Cox)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Reviews: Buffalo Bill's Wild West: Celebrity, Memory, and Popular History by
Joy S. Kasson; Buffalo Bill, Actor: A Chronicle of Cody's Theatrical Career by
Sandra K. Sagala; William F. Cody's Wyoming Empire: The Buffalo Bill Nobody
Knows by Robert E. Bonner (all reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Joe Rainone responds to the review of The Man in Black
(December 2009)
Notes & Queries: Three forgotten series: Woman's World Series; The American
Patriot; Leon Leroy's New York Boys. (Information on single issues of each)
History of The Secret of Hidden Island (a collaborative series book written
by John T. Dizer, Ed Lauterbach, and J. Randolph Cox)
December 2009 :
Will the Real Frank Leslie Please Stand Up!; The Lost Leslie Publications
and Will Trial (by Joe Rainone and Victor A. Berch)
Life and Lore on the High Seas: The John Paul Jones Novels (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: The Man in the Black Cloak by P. T. Raymond
(Francis W. Doughty), Intro. by Joseph Rainone (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox);
Julian Comstock, A Story of 22nd-Century America by
Robert Charles Wilson (reviewed by Peter Walther)
Letters: Notes of an Edward S. Ellis Collector (David Dom)
Obituary: Bob Matteson
October 2009 :
Mystery Within Mystery: E. Burke Collins and "Dare the Detective" (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Blood, Guts and Flexing Muscles: Violence, Injury, and Physical Strength
in Stories about Outlaws (by Caroline Miles)
Notes & Queries: Tom Swift and the Hammondsport Convention (brief report)
August 2009 :
John Lovell and the United States Book Company (by Lydia C. Schurman)
Young Wild West (by J. Edward Leithead) [reprint from 1951 DNRU]
Convention Report: Pulpfest 2009 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Lady of the Night Wind by Varick Vanardy (Frederic M. Van Rensselaer Dey), ed. Christopher
R. Yates; Trials and Triumphs: The Adventures of Paul Clifford by Oliver Optic (William T. Adams), ed.
and introduction by Peter C. Walthers (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Nick Carter allusion in Fritz Lang's Frau Im Mond; Patten's Rockspur vs. Merriwell books
Obituary: Edward Lauterbach
June 2009 :
The Comic Backwoodsman in the Dime Novel: Oll Coomes' Old Kit Bandy (by J. Randolph Cox)
Saul Bellow's Reading of Joseph A. Altsheler (by Robert M. McIlvaine)
Conference Report: PCA Round-Up 2009 (by Pamela Bedore)
Reviews: Talking Animals and Others: The Life and Work of Walter R. Brooks, Creator of Freddy the Pig by
Michael Cart; Freddy the Pied Piper by Walter R. Brooks [2002 reissue of 1946 novel] (both reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Addition to Old King Brady bibliography (from December 2007)
April 2009 :
Courageous Wings: Mildred Wirt's Aviation Stories for Girls (by Fred Erisman)
Optic's Katy Redburn: A Potential Model for Alger's Helen Ford (by Kyoko Amano)
Reviews: Nancy Drew and Her Sister Sleuths: Essays on the Fiction of Girl Detectives, eds. Michael G. Cornelius
and Melanie E. Gregg (reviewed by Deidre Johnson); The Hardy Boys Mysteries, 1927-1979: A Cultural and Literary History,
by Mark Connelly; Two Classic Adventures of The Shadow: Vengeance is Mine! and Battle of Greed by Walter B. Gibson (Maxwell
Grant) [reissue of two 1937 Shadow novels]; John Ermine of the Yellowstone, by Frederic Remington [2008 reissue of 1902 novel];
John Buchan: A Companion to the Mystery Fiction by Kate Macdonald (all reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
February 2009 :
Publishing Jules Verne: Rescues and Perils in the 20th Century and Beyond (by Brian Taves)
Selected Checklist of Jules Verne's Works in Dime Novels, Libraries and Story Papers (by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: additional reminiscences about Eddie LeBlanc; correction to Moslander's October 2008 article; Internet and
availability of material
December 2008 : Memorial Issue: Edward Tillman LeBlanc (August 31, 1920 - September 29, 2008)
Remembering Eddie LeBlanc: A Symposium (tributes and memories from Deidre A. Johnson, Clark Evans, James Keeline, Brian Taves, Peter C. Walther,
Kathleen Chamberlain, Brad Chase, Jack Dizer, Victor A. Berch, Lydia Cushman Schurman, and J. Randolph Cox)
Rare Dime Novels (by Edward T. LeBlanc) [reprint from 1950 DNRU]
Dime Novel Sketches (by Edward T. LeBlanc) [examples spanning 1959-2001]
An Annotated Bibliography of the Works of Edward T. LeBlanc (by J. Randolph Cox)
October 2008 :
Editor's Remarks [death of Edward T. LeBlanc]
"A Secret Sin": Ralph Henry Barbour's Pen Name (by T. Jefferson Looney) [includes reproductions of four Barbour
poems from Truth, 1898-99]
Notes on the Origin of the Shadow (by Charles W. Moslander) [Walter Gibson and Street & Smith] (see also Feb. 2009 letters column)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 37 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographical Notes: Ned Buntline's "Buffalo Bill" Revisited (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Classic Adventures of The Shadow and Doc Savage, ed. Anthony Tollin;
At the Twelfth Hour: Selected Short Stories of Joseph A. Altsheler, ed. Robert M. McIlvaine
(reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Response to Susan Ray's article (from August 2008)
Notes: Collecting Western Dime Novels; Gibson references in Blackstone: A Magician's Life;
dime novels as part of a mystery in The Maltese Manuscript
August 2008 :
The Imprint of the Western Dime Novel on Hard-Boiled Pulp Fiction (by Susan E. Ray)
Girls to the Rescue: The Impact of World War I on Girls' Series Books (by Susan Ingalls Lewis) [Martha Trent's Somewhere Series]
Reviews: The Night Wind's Promise by Varick Vanardy (pseud. Frederic M. Van Rensselaer Dey), ed. Christopher R. Yates
(reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
June 2008 :
Red Ryder Rides Again! [in comic strips, Big Little Books, Whitman Authorized Editions] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Conference Report: PCA Round-Up 2008 (by Pamela Bedore)
Some Observations on Joseph Rainone's 'Garret & Co: The Home Circle Rediscovered. An Historic Review' with Additional Notes on the Origin of the Publishing Firm of Dick & Fitzgerald (by Victor A. Berch) [corrected version of April 2008 article]
Bibliographical Notes: Transitions: From Pulp Magazine to Big Little Book. The Case of George Harmon Coxe (by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes: Rover Boys reference in Dark Shadows; dime novel reference in Will James's Drifting Cowboy; "Probable Source for Ned Buntline's Play 'The Scouts of the Prairie'"
April 2008 :
Constructions of Readerly Pleasure in Detective-Outlaw Dime Novels; or, The Awful Atonement of Doughnut Jack [in Jesse James' Nemesis] (by Pamela Bedore)
Denver Doll: A Brave Girl in Britches [in Beadle's Half-Dime Library] (by Lynne M. Thomas)
Some Observations on Joseph Rainone's 'Garret & Co: The Home Circle Rediscovered. An Historic Review' [Oct. 2007 issue] with Additional Notes on the Origin of the Publishing Firm of Dick & Fitzgerald (by Victor A. Berch) [printing error in article; corrected version published June 2008]
Reviews: The Return of "The Night Wind" ed. Christopher R. Yates (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: reminiscences about Brooks's Freddy the Pig and the Hardy Boys
Notes: First appearance of Kit Carson in a novel
February 2008 :
Samuel Goodrich and the Branding of American Children's Books (by Pat Pflieger)
Just Desserts: Crime and Punishment in Philip S. Warne's Dime Novel Mysteries (by Marlena E. Bremseth)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
The Editor's Reading Lamp: Retrospective Reviews [Walter S. Brooks's Freddy and the Ignormus] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Empire and the Literature of Sensation: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Popular Fiction eds., Jesse Aleman and Shelley Streeby (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox);
From Ghouls to Gangsters: The Career of Arthur B. Reeve, ed. John Locke (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); Blood and Thunder: An Epic of the American West (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes: Reprint of statistics on dime novels from Appleton's Annual, 1865
December 2007 :
Old King Brady: The Early Years (by J. Randolph Cox)
Old King Brady: The Early Years. A Bibliographic Listing [covering OKB in New York Detective Library and Boys of New York] (by J. Randolph Cox) (see also Letters, Jone 2009)
Bibliographical Notes: The "Lost" Buffalo Bill Serial by Ned Buntline (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Dashing Diamond Dick and Other Classic Dime Novels, ed. J. Randolph Cox (reviewed by Deidre Johnson); Percy Keese Fitzhugh, Boy Scout Author by Jeff Rhoads (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); Alias "The Night Wind" [by Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey], ed. Christopher R. Yates (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: corrections to Home Circle article (from Oct. 2007); Fred Erisman on Altsheler's aviation series
October 2007 :
Editor's Remarks [Remembering Madeleine B. Stern] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Joyous Peggy and Amazing Lillian; or, The Life and Career of Lillian Grace Copp (by Deidre A. Johnson)
The Dragons of the Air: Joseph A. Altsheler's World War I Series (by Robert M. McIlvaine)
Madeleine Stern: A Personal Tribute (by Lydia C. Schurman)
Bibliographical Notes: Garrett & Company: The Home Circle Re-Discovered; A Historic Review (by Joseph Rainone) [corrections in Dec. 2007 issue; follow-up article in June 2008]
Reviews: In the Company of Books: Literature and Its "Classes" in Nineteenth-Century America by Sarah A. Wadsworth (reviewed by Deidre Johnson); House of Happy Endings by Leslie Garis (reviewed by Deidre Johnson)
Letters: Applewood Books to discontinue facsimile Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys
August 2007 :
Ralph Henry Barbour's "On Trial": A Case Study in the Mechanics of
Juvenile Periodical Publication in 1927 (by J. Jefferson Looney)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 36 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographical Notes: The "Lost" Buffalo Bill Serial by Ned Buntline (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Dashing Diamond Dick and Other Classic Dime Novels, ed. J. Randolph Cox (reviewed by Deidre Johnson); Percy Keese Fitzhugh, Boy Scout Author by Jeff Rhoads (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); Alias "The Night Wind" [by Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey], ed. Christopher R. Yates (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: reminiscences about meeting cowboy Billy McGinty
June 2007 :
Our American Boys: An Early Stratemeyer Story Paper (by John T. Dizer)
Bibliographical Notes: Ned Buntline's Buffalo Bill Stories (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Talbot Mundy: Philosopher of Adventure: A Critical Biography by Brian Taves; Winds from the East: Stories, Poems, & Articles [by Talbot Mundy] ed. by Brian Taves; Pulp Writer: Twenty Years in the American Grub Street by Paul S. Powers and Laurie Powers (all reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
April 2007 :
Flying Suffragettes: Margaret Burnham's "Girl Aviators" Series (by Fred Erisman)
Three Chums--The Forgotten Weekly (by Julius Hassenfeffer) (reprinted from 1951)
Conference Report: Boston Benevolence -- PCA 2007 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Boys' Books, Boys' Dreams, and the Mystique of Flight by Fred Erisman (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); The Continental Dime Novel by Rimmer Sterk and Jim Conkright (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: T. C. Harbaugh's first publications
February 2007 :
Passing "Girl Sports": Cross-Dressing Heroines fromt he Dime Novels of Edward L. Wheeler (by Lynne M. Thomas)
Membership List
Reviews: The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks, 1849-1905, vol. 9, by Charles W. Topp (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
December 2006 :
Story Papers in Australia? The Curious Case of Once-a-Week Down Under (by Toni Johnson-Woods)
Bibliographic Listing: Once-a-Week: A Checklist of Serials (by Toni Johnson-Woods)
Reviews: How to Become a Complete Nonentity by Richard Wormser (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox); The Incredible Pulps: A Gallery of Fiction Magazine Art (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters: Additional biographical information on Adimari (from Victor A. Berch)
Obituaries: Darrell Coleman Richardson; Jack Williamson
October 2006 :
Ralph Adimari: The Man Who Knew So Much of Whom We've Known So Little
(by Marlena F. Bremseth) (see also letters, December 2006)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 35 (by Richard Bleiler)
George Barton Says . . . (by J. Randolph Cox) [excerpts from Barton's letters to DNRU 1939-47]
Reviews: American Sweethearts: Teen-Age Girls in Twentieth-Century Popular Culture by Ilana Nash (reviewed by Deidre Johnson); American Children's Literature 1890-1940: Heroic Tales That Shaped Adult Lives by John T. Dizer (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
Notes & Queries: 1885 notice: "Failure of a Publisher [Frank Tousey]"
obituary: Stephen Antipas
August 2006 :
Anniversary issue [700th issue] (primarily a sampling of articles from earlier issues)
History of the Happy Hours Brotherhood and the Dime Novel Round-Up (by Ralph F. Cummings, founding editor) (from 1968)
Dime Novel Round-Up through the Years (by J. Randolph Cox, editor)
Dime Novel Round-Uppers: A Series of Plain Talks (by P. F. Pitzer) [from 1932]
The Frank Tousey Authors (by Ralph Adimari) [from 1957]
The Rockspur Series (by J. P. Guinon) [from 1958]
Rare Dime Novels (by Edward T. LeBlanc, editor emeritus) [from 1950]
Letters: Upton Sinclair, on writing dime novels (from 1956); Lurana
Sheldon Ferris (to George French), on writing dime novels (dated 1938,
from 1943 issue)
June 2006 :
Ann Stephens's Malaeska: An Unknown Early Version and Some Thoughts on Dime Novels and the Gender of Readers (by Colin T. Ramsey)
Southern Hospitality: Convention Report: PCA 2006 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Ned Buntline and Joseph Pulitzer's New York World (by R. D. Pepper)
Reviews: Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her by Melanie Rehak (reviewed by Deidre Johnson); The Secret of the Hardy Boys: Leslie McFarlane and the Stratemeyer Syndicate by Marilyn S. Greenwald (reviewed by J. Randolph Cox)
obituaries: Donald Bronsky; Frankie Thomas
April 2006 :
The Edward T. LeBlanc Bibliography of Story Papers, Dime Novels, and Libraries (by Lydia C. Schurman)
The LeBlanc Bibliographic Listings (by Edward T. LeBlanc) (reprinted from 1994)
The Penobscot and the Dime Novelist: Louis Sockalexis as the Source of Gilbert Patten's Frank Merriwell (by Scott Peterson)
Reviews: Muscle and Manliness: The Rise of Sport in American Boarding Schools by Axel Bundgaard; Mystery Women: An Encyclopedia of Leading Women Characters in Mystery Fiction by Colleen Barnett
Letters: mention of Parted on Her Bridal Tour, a play adapted from Laura Jean Libbey's Miss Middleton's Lovers
Editor's remarks: On Collecting Frank Merriwell (by J. Randolph Cox)
February 2006 :
Flying to the Rescue: Origin and Sources of the "Ted Scott Flying Stories" (by Fred Erisman)
Nick Carter in Italy (by Massimo Introvigne)
Membership List
Reviews: The Henry Altemus Company: A History and Pictorial Bibliography by Cary Sternick; American Sensations: Class, Empire and the Production of Popular Culture by Shelly Streeby
Letters: query about 1920s German Nick Carter series with photo of "Der Vampyr" cover of Nick Carter der Weltdetektiv
December 2005 :
Serial Romance: Laura Jean Libbey and Nineteenth-Century Story Papers (by Jean Carwile Masteller)
Laura Jean Libbey: Bibliographic Listing of Serials (by Jean Carwile Masteller)
Who Is Laura Jean Libbey? (biography) (by Donna Aycock Cummins)
Reviews: The Heirs of Anthony Boucher: A History of Mystery Fandom by Marvin Lachman; Flashgun Casey, Crime Photographyer: From the Pulps to Radio and Beyond by J. Randolph Cox and David S. Siegal
Letters: additions to the "Dime Novel Premiums" article (w/ illustration of Fred Fearnot medal)
Notes & Queries: correction to Altsheler article (Oct. 2005); obituary for Ray Clanton
October 2005 :
L Frank Baum's Aunt Jane's Nieces: Pseudonyms Can Pay Off (by Alan Pickrell)
The Serial Fiction of Joseph A. Altsheler (by Robert M. McIlvaine)
Convention Reports: Pulpcon 34 (by Richard Bleiler)
Bibliographical Notes: Aunt Jane's Nieces on Tour: a Probable Phantom Title; Premiums in Dime Novels; The Passing of a Magazine (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Art & History of American Popular Fiction Series: Frank Reade . . . by Joseph Rainone
Notes & Queries: corrections to "Who Was Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry?" (Oct. 2001)
August 2005 :
Dime Novel Heroes #8: Frank Reade, Jr.
Frank Reade, Jr.'s Dirigibles and Speaking Trumpets: How Dime Novels Dream Technology (by Sara Berrey)
Frank Reade Library (bibliographic listing) (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks, 1849-1905 by Charles W. Topp; The Life and Work of J. Allen St. John by Darrell C. Richardson
Letters: corrections and additions to the "Scoops" article; comments on review of Those Macabre Pulps
Notes & Queries: Phunny Phellow
Report from the Nancy Drew 75th/Stratemeyer Syndicate 100th Conference (by Jennifer Fisher)
June 2005 :
Scoops: The First British Science-Fiction Boys' Paper (by W. O. G. Lofts and Derek Adley)
Harriet P. Hardy Nowell: A Brief Biography (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Ned Buntline Writes from Prison (by R. D. Pepper)
Reviews: Who Was Guilty? Two Dime Novels (by Philip S. Warne/Howard W. Macy), ed. Marlena Bremseth; Those Macabre Pulps by Darrell C. Richardson
Notes & Queries: Nick Carter in Italy
Collectors' Corner: Confessions of a Dime Novel Junkie (by Joe Rainone)
Final chapter [obituary]: Ralph Gardner
April 2005 :
Great Expectations: Contrasting Goals for Women and Men in the Novels of Alger and Libby (by Anita Gorman)
Convention report: PCA 2005 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations: Being Further Comments and Annotations to the Episodes in
the Saga of [the television series] Legend (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Consumerism and American Girls' Fiction, 1860-1940 by Peter Stoneley (reviewed by Kathleen Chamberlain); Art & History of American Popular Fiction: The Five Cent Wide Awake Library ed. Joe Rainone
Letters: More on Phunny Phellow
Final chapter [obituary]: Leona Rostenberg
February 2005 :
Guns, Lies, and Ice: The Canadian Pulp Magazine Industry and the Crime
Fiction of Raymond Chandler and Niel Perrin (by Michelle Denise Smith)
How I Started Collecting Books (by John T. Dizer)
Reviews: The Dime Novel in Children's Literature by Vicki Anderson; Injun Joe's Ghost: The Indian Mixed-Blood in American Writing by Harry J. Brown
Notes & Queries: Extant copies of Street & Smith's The Phunny Pellow; more Nick Carter online
Final chapter [obituary]: Joe Ruttar
December 2004 :
Street & Smith's Literary Album: A Bibliographic Listing (by J. Randolph Cox; revising earlier work by Chester G. Mayo)
October 2004 :
Up Close and Personal: Letters of Surviving Beadle & Adams
Personnel to Frank O'Brien and Ralph Adimari, 1913-1935 (by Marlena E.
William S. Hart's "Injun" and "Whitey" Series (by Alan Pickrell)
Convention report: Pulpcon 33 (by Richard Bleiler)
Bibliographical Notes: The Golden West Boys Books [and other books by William S. Hart] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: St. Nicholas and Mary Mapes Dodge: The Legacy of a Children's Magazine Editor, eds. Susan R. Gannon, Suzanne Rahn, and Ruth Anne Thompson; Crusher O'Shea by Hal Murray Bonnett
Letters: William Wallace Cook's early publications; S. D. Green
August 2004 :
Dime Novel Heroes #7: Diamond Dick
My Dear Young Friend: Book Collectors Correspond with Edward Stratemeyer (by James D. Keeline)
The Early Days of Youthful Motoring [transportation in juvenile series books] (by John T. Dizer)
Retrospective review: The Fiction Factory by John Milton Edwards (William Wallace Cook)
Review: Words of Wonder: The Life and Times of Otto Binder by Bill Schelly
Notes & Queries: Nick Carter online
June 2004 :
Dime Novel Heroes #6: Young Broadbrim
The Burt L. Standish Interviews (reprint of "The Men Behind the Stories," Top-Notch Magazine, May 30,1914, and "A Talk with You: News and Views by the Editors and Readers: December 1, 1929," Top Notch Magazine; introductory material by J. Randolph Cox)
Gone to Texas: PCA 2004 [Convention report] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographical Notes: Transformations: From Old Cap. Collier Library to Young Broadbrim Weekly [includes bibliographic listing for Young Broadbrim Weekly] (by Edward T. LeBlanc and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith ed. David E. Schultz and Scott Connors; The House on the Point by Benjamin Hoff; Mystery Box by Gordon McAlpine; The Pulp Western: A Popular History of the Western Fiction Magazine in America by John Dinan
April 2004 :
Dime Novel Heroes #5: Frank Merriwell
Puffing the Pulps: How Bill Barrett Scratched Gil Patten's Back (by Mark D. Noe)
Who Was Maurice Solomon? (by Victor Berch)
Editor's Reading Lamp: Commentary/review on Judson R. Taylor's Tom and Jerry, the Double Detectives, Magnet Library 98 (1889) (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographical Notes: Adventures in the Foreign Service: Harrie Irving
Hancock's Dime Novels about China, with a Bibliographic Listing of Adventure Weekly (by J. Randolph Cox)
Mr.Douglas Wells (reprint from Adventure Weekly 8)
Reviews: Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks, 1849-1905 by Charles W. Topp; Detective and Mystery Fiction: An International Bibliography of Secondary Sources, 3rd ed., by Walter Albert
February 2004 :
Pulp Magazine Sketches #4: Adventure
Transitions: From Nell Cody to Nancy Drew, from Bungalow Outline to Book (by Deidre Johnson)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Bibliographical Notes: Joseph Holt Ingraham and F. Clinton Barrington (by Victor Berch)
Reviews: "The Man in the Black Coat; or, In Search of the John Street Jewels" New York Detective Library No. 362, by P. T. Raymond (reprint); Paperback Prices: The Complete Guide to Collecting Paperback Books... by Graham Holroyd
Letters: Victor Berch on early twentieth-century plays copyrighted by Halsey and those with Old Sleuth
December 2003 :
Old Sleuth Library: A Bibliographic Listing (by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters (Victor Berch and Peter Ruber's response to Darrell Richardson)
October 2003 :
Pulp Magazine Sketches #3: Weird Tales
Eight Mysterious Mershons: Or, The Boys' Own Series (by John T. Dizer)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 32 (by Richard Bleiler)
Bibliographical Notes: The Last Dime Novel? Westbrook's Pirate Story Series (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: "King of the Pulps": The Life and Writings of H. Bedford-Jones by Peter Ruber, Darrell C. Richardson, and Victor A. Berch; Uncovered: The Hidden Art of the Girlie Pulps by Doug Ellis; Belarski: Pulp Art Masters by John Gunnison;
Notes & Queries *
The Inside Story of The King of the Pulps (by Darrell C. Richardson)
Summer 2003 [double issue] :
Pulp Magazine Sketches #2: The Argosy
Imagination Takes Flight: A Thematic History of the Pulp Magazine (by Richard Bleiler)
Again, Frank Merriwell (by Ed and Karen Lauterbach)
Bibliographical Notes: Transformations: From Sexton Blake to Jeff Clayton (by Steve Holland and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Walter B. Gibson and The Shadow by Thomas J. Shimeld; Encyclopedia of Pulp Fiction Writers by Lee Server; The Classic Era of Crime Fiction by Peter Haining; Jo Gar's Casebook by Raoul Whitfield, ed. Keith Alan Deutsch
Notes & Queries *
April 2003 :
Dime Novel Heroes #4: Old Broadbrim
"The typewritten eqivalent of spinach and orange juice": Josephine
Lawrence and the Ghostwriting of Stratemeyer Syndicate Series Books (by
Deidre Johnson)
Convention Report: The Big Easy Revisited -- One More Time: PCA 2003 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographical Notes: Transformations: From Old Cap. Collier Library to Old Broadbrim Weekly (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks, 1849-1905 by Charles W. Topp; New Light on Sweeney Todd, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer and Elizabeth Caroline Grey by Helen R. Smith; A Feast of Blood: Bloods & Penny Dreadfuls
Notes & Queries *
February 2003 :
Dime Novel Heroes #2: Seth Jones
Seth Jones; or, The Captives of the Frontier and the Rhetoric of Ambivalence (by Robert Muhlbock)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Bibliographical Notes: The Writings of James Otis Kaler (by John Kaler)
Reprint: The Old Dime Novel (poem) by William F. Kirk
Reviews: Zorro: The Master's Edition, vol. 2. and Zorro: The Master's Edition by Johnston McCulley; All About Collecting Boys' Series Books and All About Collecting Girls' Series Books by John Axe
Notes & Queries *
December 2002: The Stratemeyer Story Papers
Young People of America, Bright Days and Edward Stratemeyer (by John T. Dizer)
The Young Sports Series (by J. P. Guinon; rpt. from Aug. 1958, with
Afterword by J. Randolph Cox, including rpt. of "'Young Sports' Is
Popular" from Police Gazette 1897)
Bibliographical Notes: Edward Stratemeyer's Amateur Story Papers (by Deidre Johnson)
Young People of America: Just the Facts (by Deidre Johnson)
Bibliographic Listing of Bright Days (comp. by Captain C. G. Mayo; revised by John T. Dizer)
[Bibliographic Listing of] Young Sports of America/Young People of America, Young Sports, and Young Sports Five Cent Library (by J. P. Guinon; revised by Edward T. LeBlanc; Introduction and revision by John T. Dizer)
October 2002:
When the World Was New: Whitman's Series of Mystery and Adventure Stories for Girls and Boys (by Charles Moslander)
Treasure Island and Dime Novels (by Frank Hersey; rpt. of 1911 essay)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 31 (by Richard Bleiler)
Bibliographical Notes: Transformations: From Old. Cap Collier Library to Nick Carter Weekly (by J. Randolph Cox)
Letters [Robert Hogan's G-8]
August 2002 :
Dime Novel Heroes #2: Nick Carter
Carolyn Wells' Marjorie Series: A Model of American Cheerfulness (by Suzanne Elizabeth Reid)
Dead Man's Shoes; or, The End of the Trail [disposal of Ross Craufurd's collection] (by Joe Rainone)
Bibliographical Notes: Transformations: From Old Cap. Collier Library to The Jesse James Stories (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Footprints on a Brain: The Inspector Allhoff Stories by D. L. Champion; Classic Era of American Pulp Magazines by Peter Haining; and New Pulpwood Editor by Harold Brainerd Hersey (rpt. of 1937 ed. w/ additional material)
Notes & Queries include "Another Carolyn Wells Parody" (excerpt from Ptomaine Street)
Letters [correction to Pickrell; Merriwell reminiscences]
June 2002 :
Dime Novel Heroes #1: Deadwood Dick
May the Force Be with You, Harry Potter! (by Alan Pickrell)
Convention Report: Toronto Again? PCA 2002 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographical Notes: Play Ball! The Story of Frank Merriwell's Double Shoot (by J. Randolph Cox)
From the Archives: Some Contemporary Reviews [of series books, from The Outlook, 1894]
Reviews: Bookends: Two Women, One Enduring Friendship by Leona Rostenberg & Madeleine Stern; L. M. Alcott: Signature of Reform by Madeleine Stern; From Revolution to Revolution by Leona Rostenberg & Madeleine Stern; and Horatio Books Published by A. L. Burt; ... by M. A. Donohue & Co.; . . . by Whitman Publishing Co.; . . . by the New York Book Company; . . . by Twelve Small Alger Publishers by Bradford S. Chase
April 2002 :
Brewster Revisited [re: Horatio Alger, Jr.] (by Bill and Mary Roach)
Golden Age of Story Papers (by Charles O. Stickney) [rpt., Boston Herald, 1901]
Bibliographical Notes: Dime Novel Facsimile Reprints (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Scorned Literature: Essays on the History and Criticism of Popular Mass-Produced Fiction in America eds. Lydia Cushman Schurman & Deidre Johnson; Doden i Kosken [Norwegian study of Knut Gribb] by Nils Nordberg; and Charlotte Mary Brame, Hinckley's Forgotten Daughter by Gregory Drozdz
February 2002 :
Howard R. Garis and His Juvenile Villains (by John T. Dizer)
A Short History of the Happy Hours Brotherhood (by J. Randolph Cox)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
Bibliographical Notes: Transitions in the Dime Novel (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Acolytes of Cthulhu ed. Robert Price; History of Mystery by Max Allan Collins; and Ace of the White Death by Robert J. Hogan
Letters [background on pulp art and Arthur Duncan; Scoville's Boy Scout series]
December 2001 :
James Otis: A Comprehensive Bibliography (by John Kaler)
Reviews: The Argosy Index, 1896-1943 by Fred Cook; ed. Denise Cook Uhler and Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers & Others by E. Hoffmann Price
October 2001 :
Hubert Rogers in the Pulps (by John Bell)
Four Royal Historians of Oz [L. Frank Baum, Ruth Plumly Thompson, John R. Neill, Jack Snow] (by Alan Pickrell)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 30 (by Richard Bleiler)
Was John Wilkes Booth a Reader of Dime Novels (rpt. of "Booth and Bad Literature," Youth's Companion, May 1865 (courtesy of Pat Pflieger)
Who Was Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry, or, What's in a House Name (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Youth, Popular Culture, and Moral Panics by John Springhall and Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks, 1849-1905, vol. 5, by Charles Topp
August 2001 :
Rutherford G. Montgomery's Kent Barstow Series (by David K. Vaughan)
Jack Lightfoot and Other Rivals of Frank Merriwell (by J. Randolph Cox)
The Dime-ing of a Novel: How Balle-Franche Was Transformed into [Gustave Aimard's] Prairie-Flower (by Mary Eggermont-Molenaar)
Obituary: Margaret Sutton
June 2001 :
Dime Novel Sketches: Sunnyside Series
Albert Aiken in Context: Science and the Races of the Americas (by John Nickel)
The Pseudonymous Ghost [Mildred Wirt Benson and Nancy Drew Hidden Staircase] (by Geoff Lapin)
April 2001:
Dime Novel Sketches: Surprise Series
Jacob Abbott's "Jonas Books" and the Construction of an 1840s Middle-Class Boyhood (by Lorinda B. Cohoon)
New Evidence in the Authorship of Nancy Drew [Secret of the Old Clock] (by Ilana Nash)
Stephen Angus Douglas Cox, Dime Novelist [rpt. of obituary from Humboldt Union, 1944]
Reviews of Frost by Donald Wandrei, ed. D. H. Olson; In the Stone House by Barry Malzberg; Bottled in Blonde and Long Live the Dead by Hugh B. Cave
February 2001:
Dime Novel Sketches: Eureka Series
Where in the World is Putnam Hall; or, Who in the World Cares? [Rover Boys] (by John T. Dizer)
Theodore Roscoe: Sublime Wordmaster (by Rocco Musemeche)
Dime Novels (by Frank R. Adams) [rpt. Green Book Magazine, 1916]
Reviews of Johnston McCulley's Zorro: The Masters Edition, vol. I;
Hawk's Authors' Pseudonyms III by Pat Hawk, ed. Donna Hawk
December 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sunset Series
James Otis Kaler: A Biographical Sketch (by John Kaler)
Harry Castlemon: an Author's Own Letters for Sale, 1941 (by Joel S. Cadbury)
Reviews of Doug Elllis, John Locke, and John Gunnison, The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps;
The John W. Campbell Letters with Isaac Asimov and A. E. van Vogt;
Eric Leif Davin, Pioneers of Wonder; John BellThe
Far North and Beyond: An Index to Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy
in English-Language Genre Magazines and Other Selected Periodicals of
the Pulp Era, 1896-1955
[No supplement]
October 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Empire Series
Sherlock Holmes in the Claws of Confidence Men;
or, The Misadventures of a World Detective (by Nils Nordberg)
Egalitarian Elizabeth Ann? Women and Society in
Josephine Lawrence's Elizabeth Ann Series (by Deidre Johnson)
The Afterlife of Ellis' Seth Jones (by Mary Eggermont-Molenaar)
Ned Buntline's Corner (by Robert D. Pepper)
Review of J. Randolph Cox, Dime Novel Companion
August 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Fireside Series
When I Grow Up, I Want to Move to River Heights, USA, Too:
The Male Psyche and Nancy Drew (by Michael G. Cornelius)
Frank, Joe, and Nancy: Machiavelli for Minors? (by Alan Pickrell)
Ned Buntline's Corner (by Robert D. Pepper)
The Pulp Fiction of Leslie McFarlane: A Preliminary Checklist, pt. 2 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of Peter Ruber, ed., Arkham's Masters of Horror: A 60th Anniversary Anthology Retrospective of the First 30 Years of Arkham House
Dime Novel Companion Corrigenda
June 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Home Series
Investigating a Dime Novel Mystery: Philip S. Warne (by Marlena Bremseth)
Back to the Big Easy: PCA Report, 2000 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
The Pulp Fiction of Leslie McFarlane: A Preliminary Checklist (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Stephen A. Kallis, Jr., Radio's Captain Midnight: The Wartime Biography; Tormod Haugen, Pa sporet av Froken Detektiv
[On the Trail of Nancy Drew]
April 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Peerless Series
Gustave Aimard's Fiction: Reality and Friction (by Mary Eggermont-Molenaar)
Stratemeyer and His Villains (by John T. Dizer)
Dime Bibliographical Notes: Gustave Aimard: Two Books [Prairie-Flower and
The Frontiersmen] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Ned Buntline's Corner [Judson genealogy](by Robert D. Pepper)
Reviews of Charles W. Topp, Victorial Yellowbacks and Papervacks, 1849-1905, vol 3; Donald Wandrei, Colossus: The Collected Science Fiction of Donald Wandrei
Feb. 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Library
Thomas Monstery's Dime Novels about Dueling (by James L. Evans)
The Subterranean Connection: Caves, Tunnels, and Underground Rooms in Juvenile Series Books (by Frank W. Quillen)
Ned Buntline's Corner [Judson genealogy](by Robert D. Pepper)
Reviews of Frank M. Robinson, with John Gunnison, Science Fiction of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History; and Talbot Mundy,
Jingrim and the Devil at Ludd;
Dec. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Stories of Thrilling Adventure
Working-Class Boys and the Dime Novels They Read (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
The War and the WAC: Bernadine Bailey's "Youngest WAC" Series (by David K. Vaughan)
Ned Buntline's Corner [overview of biographies of Buntline](by Robert D. Pepper)
Reviews of The Metal Man and Others: The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson;
Jack Williamson, The Queen of the Legion; Edward Hamilton, w/ intro by Ray Bradbury, Kaldar, World of Antares
Dec. supplement: Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1998 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Western Star Series
When Dick Turpin Rode Again: A Look at the Newnes Dick Turpin Library Series (by Geoffrey Tolle)
Nancy Drew and the Clue of the Chubby Chum [weight and body image in Nancy Drew] (by Mary Linehan)
A Stratemeyer Bouquet [including reprint of a 1946 biographical article on Stratemeyer
from Elizabeth Daily Record] (by Peter Walther)
Ned Buntline's Corner (by Robert D. Pepper)
Review of James Van Hise, ed., The Fantastic Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft, The Fantastic Worlds of Robert E. Howard, Pulp Heroes of the Thirties, Expanded Edition, and Pulp Magazine Thrillers; John DeWalt, ed. Keys to Other Doors: Some Lists for a Pulp Collector's Nobebook
Aug. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sea Shore Library
George Vaux Bacon: Forgotten Writer, Intriguing Person (by Richard Bleiler)
Dime Novels: A Vigorous Defense by a Writer of Them [reprint of Frederick Whittaker letter to the
New York Tribune, 1884]
The Dime Novel: Its Origin, Growth and Influences--Reminiscences of Mayne Reid (by E. W. M.) [rpt. of an 1884 newspaper article]
Fulminations [on Legend television series, about a dime novelist] (by J. Randolph Cox & Sam Sherman)
Reviews of E. Christian Mattson and Thomas B. Davis, A Collector's Guide to Hardcover Boys' Series; or, Tracing the Trail of Harry Hudson;
and Susan Kattwinkel, Tony Pastor Presents: Afterpieces from the Vaudeville Stage
June 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Boys' Comic Library
Life Upon the Wicked Stage; or, Judy, Mickey, Let's Put on a Show! [theater in series books] (by Alan Pickrell)
Adventure on the Newsstands: A Survey of the Street and Smith Magazines (by Darrel Richardson)
[PCA] Convention Report: San Diego Sessions
Fulminations [on Legend television series, about a dime novelist] (by J. Randolph Cox & Sam Sherman)
Reviews of Sandra Curtis, Zorro Unmasked; and James W. Wojtowicz, The W. F. Cody Buffalo BIll Collector's Guide with Values
Apr. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Bon-Ton Library
The Little Colonel and the World She Lived In:
The Fiction of Anne Fellows Johnston (by John T. Dizer)
Membership List
From the Archives: An Interview with Captain Jack Crawford About Ned Buntline
Reviews of Bradford S. Chase, Horatio Alger Books Published by The New York Book Company; John Dinan,
Sports in the Pulp Magazines; Don Hutchison, ed., Scarlet Riders: Pulp Fiction Tales of the Mounties;
Alonzo Deen Cole, The Witch's Tale
Feb. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Munro's Library of Popular Novels
Frederick Whittaker and His Dime Novels about Fictitious Satanta County, Texas (by James L. Evans)
Girl Fliers in a World of Guys: Three 1930s' Girls Juvenile Aviation
Series [Ruth Darrow, Roberta Langwell, Linda Carleton] (by David K.
Stratemeyer's Ghostwriters: A Preliminary Catalogue Based on Information from the New York Public Library (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Fulminations [on Legend television series, about a dime novelist] (by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
Hints for Users of Special Collections
Reviews of Carole Kismaric and Martin Heiferman, The Mysterious Case of Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys; and Ronald Weber, Hired Pens: Profgessional Writers in America's Golden Age of Print
Dec. 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Our Lucky Series
Back to the Farm: The Rural Life in Juvenile Literature (by John T. Dizer)
Bits from the Beinecke: More about [Stratemeyer] Syndicate Ghostwriters (by Deidre Johnson)
The Secret of the Old Books: A Reflection on the Value and Enjoyment
of Series Books (by David M. Baumann)
Reviews of Walt Coekie, Coekie's Classics; and John K. Butler, At the Stroke of Midnight
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1997 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Marguerite Series
Flying Death at Montauk Point [Dick Merriwell] (by Edward and Karen Lauterbach)
The Johannsen Collection at the Northern Illinois University Libraries (by Samuel T. Huang)
Conference Report: Pulpcon 27 (by Richard Bleiler)
Stratemeyer Salmagundi (by Geoffrey Lapin)
Fulminations: Being Further Comments and Annotations to the Episodes in the Saga of Legend (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of Madeleine B. Stern, Louisa May Alcott: From Blood & Thunder to Hearth & Home
Aug. 1998:
Medal and New Medal Library: Bibliographic Listing (compiled by Edward T. LeBlanc; based on
original research by J. P. Guinon; edited by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
June 1998:
Pulp Magazine Sketches: Black Mask
Black Mask and the Origins of the Hard-Boiled Detective: An Anthropologist's View (by Frank A. Salamone)
Reading Dime Novels (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
Convention Report: A Disney Good Time [PCA/ACA 1998] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of Walter Albert, Detective and Mystery Fiction
April 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Alger Series
The Perverted Professoriate in Recent College Girls' Fiction (by Mary Linehan)
Edward Stratemeyer: According to Harriet Adams (by Richard Gallagher)
A Look into the Private Life of Harriet Stratemeyer Adams (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Fulminations: When "Legend" Met "Legend" (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of John T. Dizer, Tom Swift, the Bobbsey Twins and Other Heroes of American Juvenile Literature;
Sherrie A. Inness, ed. Nancy Drew and Company: Culture, Gender, and Girls' Series; and Frank M. Robinson and Lawrence Davidson, with John Gunnison, Pulp Culture: The Art of
Fiction Magazines
Feb. 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Aldine Series
Death and Ghosts: The Ellery Queen Paperback Originals (by Francis M. Nevins)
Rider Haggard's Female Characters: From Goddess of the Cave to Goddess of the Screen (by Alan Pickrell)
Stratemeyer Salmagundi (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Reviews of Richard Aquila, ed., Wanted Dead or Alive: The American West in Popular Culture; and Hugh B. Cave, The Door Below
Dec. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Savoy Series
Mayne Reid's Novels about His Experiences in the Mexican War (by James L. Evans)
From Appomattox to Germany: Percy Keese Fitzhugh and American History (by John T. Dizer)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
Reviews of Robert Lesser, Pulp Art: Original Cover Paintings for the Great American Pulp Magazines; Philip J. Rahman and Dennis E. Weiler, eds.,
Don't Dream: The Collected Horror and Fantasy Fiction of Donald Wandrei;
and Louisa May Alcott on Race, Sex, and Slavery
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1996 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Keystone Series
The Secret Origin of the Dana Girls (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Young Wild West at the Movies Once More: or, Further Notes on the 'Young Wild West' Silent Film Series
(by Victor A. Berch)
Bert Salg: A Preliminary Checklist (by Walter Albert)
Conference Report: On, Wisconsin! [Defining Print Culture for Youth](by Kathleen Chamberlain)
Conference Report: Pulp Collectors, Assemble! [Pulpcon 26] (by Richard Bleiler)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Aug. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Ivy Series
The Story Paper Detective Goes to the Theater (by Dawn Fisk Thomsen)
The Robert E. Howard Fight Stories (by John A. Dinan)
Dime Novel Collectors I Have Known (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Edward Stratemeyer's Final Legacy (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Review of Bill Brown, ed., Reading the West: An Anthology of Dime Novel Westerns
June 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: Seaside Library
From the Beinecke Collection: The Axelrad Notebooks (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
William A. Rogers, Harper's Young People, and James Otis (by David K. Vaughan)
Convention Report: Remembering the Alamo . . . Again [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Lydia Cushman Schurman and Deidre A. Johnson, eds., Pioneers, Passionate Ladies, and Private Eyes: Dime Novels, Series Books,
and Paperbacks; and John Clute and John Grant, eds., The Encyclopedia of Fantasy
Apr. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: Seaside Library (Ordinary Edition)
Justin Jones: A Probable Publishing Sequence of His 'Harry Hazel' Novelettes Appearing
in The Star Spangled Banner (by Peter C. Walther)
Celebrity Mourners at a Brooklyn Funeral [for Francis S. Street] (by Robert D. Pepper)
Our Popular Publishers, No. 6: Arthur Westbrook (by J. Randolph Cox)
Author! Author! [on A. B. Tozer] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Joseph G. Rosa, Wild Bill Hickok: The Man and the Myth; and Jon Tuska and Vicki Piekarski, eds., The Max Brand Companion
Feb. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: Circling the Globe Series
Jules Verne, Bracebridge Hemyng, and Edward Stratemeyer: A Case of Nineteenth-Century
Plagiarism (by James D. Keeline)
By Way of Explanation . . . [accompanying 1870 newspaper clipping "Letter from Buffalo
Bill"] (by Robert D. Pepper)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Brian Taves and Stephen Michaluk, Jr., The Jules Verne Encyclopedia; James Van Hise, ed., Edgar Rice Burroughs' Fantastic Worlds; and Frenk Belknap Long, The Eye above the Mantel and Other Stories
and The Darkling Tide
Dec. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Mrs. L. T. Meade Series
Theodore Dreiser and His Street and Smith Circle (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Researching the Boys' Own Library: A Street and Smith Experiment (by John T. Dizer)
Adventure Parade [Erle Stanley Gardner, Theodore Roscoe, and Edgar Rice Burroughs] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by Sam Sherman and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Madeleine B. Stern, ed., The Feminist Alcott: Stories of a Woman's Power and Howard Wandrei's The Last Pin (ed. D. H. Olson)
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1995 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Alger's Library (Westbrook)
Dick Merriwell's Terrorflying Mystery (by Edward and Karen Lauterbach)
Jesse James at Northfield: A Folkloristic Study (by Joseph L. Mbele)
Conference Report [Pulpcon 25] (by Richard Bleiler)
Adventure Parade [George Worts] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by Sam Sherman and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of D. H. Olson, ed., Time Burial: The Collected Fantasy Tales of Howard Wandrei; and Don Hutchinson, The Great Pulp Heroes
Aug. 1996:
[Stratemeyer Edition]
The Lady and the Press: Harriet Adams Courts America (by Ilana Nash)
The Search for Stratemeyer: Rosetta Stone (by John T. Dizer)
The Search for Stratemeyer: Twenty Minutes in the Archives (by Kathleen Chamberlain)
Stratemeyer Syndicate Archives Box 7856: or, What the NYPL Archives Revealed (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Reviews of Sherrie Inness, Intimate Communities: Representation and Social Transformation in Women's College
Fiction; Shirley Marchalonis, College Girls: A Century in Fiction; and David Farah and Ilana Nash, Series Books and the Media; or,
This Isn't All! An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Sources
June 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Pirate Story Series
Pirates (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Convention Report: Viva Las Vegas! [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by Sam Sherman and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Bob Cook, Tom Swift and His Amazing Works Catalog; E. Christian Mattson and Thomas B. Davis, A Collector's Guide
to Hardcover Series Books; or, Tracing the Trail of Harry Hudson; and Leo Edwards, Jerry Todd
and the Whispering Mummy (rpt. of 1924 ed., with new material by Bob Johnson)
Membership List
Apr. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Pall Mall Series
Boys' Life: The Real Beginnings (by John T. Dizer)
The Great Golden Hours Serial of 1900 Revisited (by J. Randolph Cox)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 24B (by Richard Bleiler)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Adventure Parade [Charles Alden Seltzer](by Rocco Musemeche)
Our Popular Publishers No. 5: Beadle & Adams (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of James Van Hise, ed., Pulp Masters
Feb. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Adventure Series
The Mystery of Mysticism: A Theme for Popular Fiction (by Alan Pickrell)
The Great Golden Hours Serial of 1900 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Adventure Parade [Frank L. Packard](by Rocco Musemeche)
Our Popular Publishers No. 4: Norman L. Munro (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Shirley Foster and Judy Simons, What Katy Read: Feminist Re-Readings of "Classic" Stories for Girls;
Charles W. Topp, Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks: Ward & Lock (vol. 2);
and Hugh B. Cave, Death Stalks the Night (ed. Karl Edward Wagner); Curtis Steele (Emile Tepperman), Siege of the Thousand Patriots (rpt. of Operator #5 Magazine, 1937); and Bradford S. Chase, Horatio Alger Books Published by Whitman
Publishing Co.
Dec. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Bandit Series
Richard Lingeman's Myth Making: Theodore Dreiser's Editing of the
Jack Harkaway Stories (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Trends in Pulp Magazine Research (by Richard Bleiler, with additional material by Ed Lauterbach
and Tom Johnson)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend -- comparing the character and Judson] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Adventure Parade [about Fred MacIsaac] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Reviews of Bob Chenu and Robert L. Johnson, Jerry Todd Detective; and David Maxine, Oz-story Magazine
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1994 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Nicodemus Legend Dime Novels [fictitious -- from the TV series]
The Legendary Exploits of Ernest Pratt; or, A Dime Novelist as His Own Hero. The Story of
the Legend Television Series (by J. Randolph Cox)
Gustave Aimard's Novels Concerning the Texas War for Independence from Mexico [Part II](by James L. Evans)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 24 (by Walter Albert)
Young Wild West in the Movies ("reprints of trade paper synopses and reviews")
Reviews of Carolyn Stewart Dyer and Nancy Tillman Romalov, eds., Rediscovering Nancy Drew and Thomas W. Knowles and Joe R. Landsdale, eds., Wild West Show!
Aug. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Early Western Life Series
Gustave Aimard's Novels Concerning the Texas War for Independence from Mexico [Part I](by James L. Evans)
Popular Culture in the Library of Congress: A Report on a Symposium (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Madeleine Stern, ed., Louisa May Alcott Unmasked: Collected Thrillers; Fran Striker, One More River;
Marcus Klein, Easterns, Westerns, and Private Eyes: American Matters, 1870-1900
June 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: American Detective Series
James Otis Kaler's Silver Fox Farm Series: Aviation Reaches the New England Coast (by David K. Vaughan)
Just Like the Original: The Story of the Happy Hours Brotherhood and Dime Novel Club
Facsimile Reprints [with bibliographic listing] (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Convention Report: Philadelphia Phantastic! [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Young Wild West in the Movies ("reprints of trade paper synopses and reviews")
Apr. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Railroad Series
Biological Bomba-ast; or, A Real Old Naturalist's Secret (by Douglas A. Rossman)
"Pioneers, Passionate Ladies, and Private Eyes": Library of Congress To Hold Symposium (by Clark W. Evans)
Our Popular Publishers, No. 3: George Munro (by J. Randolph Cox)
Literary References
Reviews of M. Martin McCarey-Laird, Lester Dent: The Man, His Craft and His Market; and Peter B. Clarke, comp., Who's Who, What's
What, and Where's Where in Oz
Feb. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Flashlight Detective Series
Young Wild West in the Movies (by Larry Latham)
Is There Hope for Hope? or, Battling with the Bobbseys (by John T. Dizer)
Reviews of Madeleine B. Stern and David Shealy, From Jo March's Attic: Stories of Intrigue and Suspense;
Charles Heffelfinger, The Bayport Companion, 2nd ed.; Tony Carpentieri, Frank and Blue Turn Blue, 3rd ed; and Society of Phantom Friends, The Girls Series Companion, 1994 ed.
Dec. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Majestic Series
Mr. Moto and the Pulps (by Jon M. Suter)
Another Syndicate Pseudonym? (by Deidre Johnson)
Bicycles, Bicycles, Bicycles [bicycles in Alcott, Castlemon, Stratemeyer] (by Cecil K. Bilgewater)
The Great Foreigh Legion Storyteller: A Sampling of Thibault Corday (by Rocco Musemeche)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 23 (by Richard Bleiler)
Reviews of Yellowback Library Directory of Series Book Collectors 1994-95
and Farah's Guide to Nancy Drew Books and Collectibles 10th ed.
Oct. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Lucky Series
Today's Hardy Boys Adventures: A Social-Developmental Analysis (by Ian McMahan)
Electronic Alger? or Popular Fiction via Modem (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Our Popular Publishers: No. 2: Street & Smith (by J. Randolph Cox)
Aug. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Library of American Authors
The Dime Novel as Scapegoat for Juvenile Crime: Anthony Comstock's Campaign to Suppress
the "Half-Dime" Western of the 1880s (by John Springhall)
Our Popular Publishers: No. One: Frank Tousey (by J. Randolph Cox)
Maum Guinea: Beadle's Unusual Jewel (by Clark Evans)
June 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Laurel Library
Sam S. Hall's Portrayal of Juan Cortina in Dime Novels (by James L. Evans)
Pulp Magazine Liason between Reader and Publisher (by Rocco Musemeche)
Convention Report: Windy Chicago/Historic Convention [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
The LeBlanc Bibliographic Listings (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Apr. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Boys' Dashaway Series
The WASP in Perpetuity [stereotypes in series books] (by Alan Pickrell)
Priceless Memories from Long Ago (by Rocco Musemeche)
Feb. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: Seaside Library (Pocket Edition)
The Syndicate of Rascals: The Men behind Nick Carter (by J. Randolph Cox)
Chums (by Darrell C. Richardson)
Delightful Reading (by Rocco Musemeche)
Lee and Shepard of Boston [reprint from Ballou's Monthly Magazine, March 1869
Dec. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Western Series
Prentis Ingraham's Beadles Dime Novels about Buck Taylor (by James L. Evans)
Numismatics according to Beadle (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
The "Lost Merriwells" - I: Frank Merriwell's Venture (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Oct. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Frank Allen Series
The Unknown Percy Keese Fitzhugh (by John T. Dizer)
Don Sturdy, Did He Ever Stay Home? (by John Musemeche)
Books and Pulps: Our Better Sense of Values (by Rocco Musemeche)
Aug. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Nat Ridley Series
Nick Carter, Schoolmaster (by J. Randolph Cox)
Playful Andrew (by Rocco Musemeche)
Andrew and His Aftermath (by Gilbert K. Westgard II)
Edward S. Ellis's Novels of the Great Sioux Uprising of 1862 (by Randall C. Davis)
June 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Larry Dexter Series
Frank Merriwell "Didn't Inhale" Either (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Compelling Cover Cuties [dust-jackets by Bert Salg] (by Rocco Musemeche)
"What Do You Mean, The Dime Novel Is Dead?" [reviews of Deadwood Dick and
the Code of the West and Fairground Fiction] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Apr. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Movie Boys Series
The Boy Scouts Versus the Series Books - conclusion (by John T. Dizer)
Joseph E. Badger's Portrayal of the Ghost Dance in Beadle Dime Novels
(by James L. Evans)
Feb. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dave Fearless Series
The Boy Scouts Versus the Series Books - part II (by John T. Dizer)
Gold Gulch; or Pandy Ellis' Last Trail [reprint from Pluck and Luck #387
(1 Nov. 1905)] (by "an Old Scout")
Pulp Magazine Musings (by Rocco Musemeche)
Dec. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Border Series
The Boy Scouts Versus the Series Books - part I (by John T. Dizer)
In Tribute to Theodore Roscoe (by Rocco Musemeche)
From Fearnought to Fearnot: A Question of Origin (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Oct. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dashaway Series
Stratemeyer's Garden City Publishing Venture and How It Grew (by William R. Gowen)
An Author-Publisher in the Field [Charles Henry Day] [rpt. from Gleason's Literary Companion, 1861]
Aug. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Cowboy Series
Virgins, Vamps, and Villains: Women in the Bloody Pulps (by Leonard E. Hullar)
Defeating the Dastardly Dons with Dime Novels; or, Aiding Old Glory in Cuba, 1898-1902 (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Newsstand and Desk [Burroughs Memorial Collection, U of KY, Louisville] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Stratemeyer and His Pen-Names (by John T. Dizer)
June 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: War Library -- Pocket Edition
The Educating Story-Teller: Lewis Theiss and the Jimmy Donnelly Air Mail Books (by David K. Vaughan)
How Tom Swift Invented Everything (by John T. Dizer)
Report from Louisville [PCA/ACA Conference 1992] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Apr. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Merriwell Library
Portrayal of Big Foot Wallace in Beadle Dime Novels (by James L. Evans)
Bracebridge Hemyng; Man or Myth (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Feb. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Burt L. Standish Library
The Letters of Harriet and Leon Lewis to Robert Bonner (by Arlene Moore)
Nick Carter Out West; or, The Great New York Detective in a New Setting (by J. Randolph Cox)
How to Treat Those Musty and Buggy Books [two paragraphs] (by Irene Gurman)
Dec. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Merriwell Series
Louisa May Alcott & Frank M. Lupton (by Madeleine B. Stern)
"Every Girls' Ambition": Careers in Series Fiction, 1940-1970 (by Kathleen Reuter Chamberlain)
American Dime Novel Reprints in Europe (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Why Alger Could Still Be the Author of "I'm Old Today" (by Victor A. Berch)
Francis Worcester Doughty: A Retrospective (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Oct. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Library
A Glimpse of Cheap Publishers in Antebellum Bostom (by Ronald J. Zboray)
Frederick Nelson Litten's Tribute to the U. S. Army Air Corps: The Jimmie Rhodes Stories (by David K. Vaughan)
The Secret Life of Mary Nestor (by Jack [John T.] Dizer)
Nippy Weston: Girl Flyer (by John Sullivan)
Aug. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Hub 10c Library
American Profits: Moral Capitalism in Horatio Alger Jr.'s 'Ragged Dick' (by John Ernst)
Marion Marlowe in New York; or, Urban Images in Street & Smith's My Queen Dime Novel Series (by Deidre Johnson)
Report from San Antonio [PCA/ACA Conference 1991] (by J. Randolph Cox)
June 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sheldon Novels
Doc Savage and American History (by Leonard E. Huller)
The Merriwell Miracle Man [biographical sketch of Gilbert Patten] (by Sid Moses)
The Rivals: A Footnote in Story Paper History [Star Spangled Banner and
Flag of Our Union] (by Victor A. Berch)
Victor St. Clair [rpt.: "Golden Hours, 1890s"] (by Willis Edwin Hurd)
Horatio Alger's Pen Name of "Cantab" [paragraph] (by Irene Gurman)
Apr. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Southworth Library
The Hess Collection: Past, Present, and Future [U of MN, Mpls] (by Deidre Johnson)
Frank Merriwell Vs. Fred Fearnot (by Ralph P. Smith) [rpt. from Frank Reade Library, 1928]
Three Novelists Who Didn't Bite the Dust [Doughty, Senarens, Shea] (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Feb. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Diamond Hand-Book Series
Prentiss Ingraham's Dime Novels Based on His Experiences in the Cuban War for Independence (by James L. Evans)
Personal Sketches: Sinclair Tousey, the Newsman [rpt. from New York Mail, June 4, 1868]
Searching for Bertha M. Clay: Problems in Researching the Topic and Areas for Further Study (by Arlene Moore)
Dec. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: 20th Century Handbooks
Nicholas Carter, Detective (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographic Rambles No. 10: Capt. Mayne Reid (by Peter C. Walther)
Concerning The Young Builders of Swiftdale (by Jack T. Dizer)
An Alger Misattribution
Oct. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Select Library
Pioneer of Aviation Series Books: Harry L. Sayer and the Airship Boys (by David K. Vaughan)
"Football Fields and Ship Decks" [bio-bibliography of Ralph Payne] (by Jack Schorr)
Collecting Dime Novels in the 1990s; or, Captured by Old King Brady (by "A Novice Collector")
Aug. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Clover Series
Impressions of Edward Stratemeyer; or, Stratemeyer -- The Man (by Jack T. Dizer)
Report from Toronto [PCA/ACA Convention] (by Randy Cox)
Three Letters from Gilbert Patten (from E. Michael Saavedra)
A Merriwell Genealogy; or, "You Can't Tell the Players Without a Scorecard" (by Roaring Mike)
Allen Chapman's Bound To Rise; or, The Boys of Spring Hill (by Jack T. Dizer)
June 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Traymore Series
Conflicts along the Rio Grande in Beadle Dime Novels (by James L. Evans)
Florence LeBlanc -- An Appreciation (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Hardy Boy Notes -- The Epic: Rebels and Mystical Men (by John M. Enright)
A Letter from George Waldo Browne [to W. J. Benners, 1911]
Still More Notes on the Alger Bibliography (by Victor A. Berch)
Review: Old Sleuth's Freaky Female Detectives
April 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Eagle Library / Eagle Series / New Eagle Series
Our Relations: How Dime Novels Became Series Books (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographic Rambles No. 8 -- "Edna Winfield" (by Peter C. Walther)
Uncovering a New Alger Pseudonym and Further Additions to the Alger Bibliography (by Victor A. Berch)
Another Poem Added to the Alger Bibliography (by Victor A. Berch)
Feb. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Bertha Clay Library
Thomson Burtis' Rex Lee Aviation Stories (by David K. Vaughan)
Frank Merriwell Off Broadway; or, On Stage in Leadville, Colorado, 1898 (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Popular Books at Popular Prices: The Rise and Fall of Paperback Publishing in 19th Century America (by Deidre Johnson)
Contents 1980-89 Contents 1970-79
Editor, 1952 - June 1994: Edward T. LeBlanc; August 1994 - December 2012: J. Randolph Cox;
2013 - Marlena E. Bremseth
Dime Novel Round-Up is published quarterly.
Direct subscription and single issue inquiries to Editor: Marlena E. Bremseth, Dime Novel Round-Up, P. O. Box 2188, Purcellville, VA 20134
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