Dime Novel Round-Up
Contents of issues 1980-89 (reverse order):
Dec. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Arrow Library
Anthony Comstock's Lifelong Crusade Against "Vampire Literature" (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
More Notes on the Alger Bibliography (by Gary Scharnhorst)
Bibliographic Rambles No. 6 -- Edward Stratemeyer (by Peter C. Walther)
The Living Endpapers [Hardy Boys] (by John M. Enright)
Oct. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Cheerful Adventure Library (New Series)
Hap Arnold's Bill Bruce Boys Series (by David K. Vaughan)
An Open Letter to the Readers of the Dime Novel Roundup [PCA/ACA Conference] (by J. Randolph Cox)
A Catalog of Papers Presented on Dime Novels [at the] American Culture Association, 1984-1989
Frank Merriwell on Broadway (by Fred L. King)
Choice Passages [from Ade's Bang! Bang! ] (presented by Victor A. Berch)
Aug. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Aldine Boys' First Rate Pocket Library
The Dime Novel and Its Successors (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Harriet Adams: The Secret of the Old Clock (by John M. Enright)
A Correction to Johannsen's House of Beadle and Adams (by Victor A. Berch)
Further Additions and Corrections to Horatio Alger's Short Stories and Poetry (by Victor A. Berch)
The Horatio Alger Society: A Variety of Religious Experience [reprinted from Bootblack] (by Robert Forrey)
June 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Temperance Library
Down with the Kaiser and Up with the Flag; or, How the Boy Scouts of America Won the First
World War (by Paul Holsinger)
Bibliographic Rambles: Kirk Munroe (by Peter C. Walther)
April 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Aldine Invention, Travel & Adventure Library
Francis S(hubael) Smith of Street and Smith (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Recycling and Respectability (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
[19th-century dramatizations of dime novels] (letter from Victor A. Berch)
Feb. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Deadwood Dick Library
Jack Harkaway (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Girl Pioneers of America: A Tale To Be Told (by Robert L. George)
Dec. 1988:
Dime Novel Sketches: Buffalo Bill Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Sensational Stories and Dime Novel Writing Days of Louisa May Alcott, Horatio Alger, Theodore Dreiser and Upton Sinclair (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Retrospective Notes [biographical information on Justin Jones aka Harry Hazel] (by "A Literary Detective")
Hop Off the Presses [reprints of Uncle Wiggily books] (by John M. Enright)
Some Gilbert Patten Contributions to the Story Paper Press (compiled by Stanley A. Pachon)
letter [Theodore Roosevelt re dime novels] (from Deidre A. Johnson)
Oct. 1988:
Dime Novel Sketches: Daisy Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Eustace Adams' Andy Lane Series, pt. 2 (by David K. Vaughan)
Retrospective Notes [information on George Albany] (by "A Literary Detective")
More Alger Short Stories (compiled by Stanley A. Pachon)
Bibliographic Rambles: Edward Stratemeyer (by Peter C. Walther)
Aug. 1988:
Dime Novel Sketches: Paris Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Eustace Adams' Andy Lane Series, pt. 1 (by David K. Vaughan)
Early and Miscellaneous Stratemeyer Writings (by Deidre Johnson)
Report on Research (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
June 1988:
Dime Novel Sketches: Monogram Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Nickel Library Heroine (by J. B. Dobkin)
A Dime Novel Collector's Bookshelf [review of Franco Cristofori and Alberto Menarini's Eroi Del Racconto Popolare]
Report on Research (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
letter [biographical information on Francis A. Durivage](from Stanley A. Pachon)
letter [biographical information on Ernest A. Young](from Victor A. Berch)
letter (from Sam Moskowitz)
April 1988:
Dime Novel Sketches: Old Sleuth's Special Detective Series
(by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Publishing Firm of Street and Smith:
Its First Fifty Years, 1855-1905 (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
The Elusive Annie Ashmore (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Additions to Stanley A. Pachon's List of Alger Short Stories (by Victor Berch)
Report on Research (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Feb. 1988:
Dime Novel Sketches: Alliance Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Science Fiction in Dime Novels: A Bibliographic Review (by Edward T.
Report on Research (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Some Addenda and Corrigenda to Bob Bennett's Horatio Alger, Jr., Bibliography, cont'd (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Alger Trivia (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Note: Harlan W. Miller's last issue. (Mr. Miller had been DNRU's printer for over fifty years.)
Dec. 1987:
Dime Novel Sketches: Magnet/New Magnet Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Dime Novel Sketches: Historical Series, pt. 2 (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Joseph E. Badger's Dime Novels about Joaquin Murieta (by James L. Evans)
Some Addenda and Corrigenda to Bob Bennett's Horatio Alger, Jr., Bibliography, cont'd (by Stanley A. Pachon)
letters: [biographical information about Francis A. Durivage (by Stanley A. Pachon) and biographical information on Ernest A. Young(from Victor A. Berch) -- both reprinted in June 1988 issue]
A Dime Novel Collector's Book Shelf (review): Mechanic Accents by Michael Denning
Oct. 1987:
Dime Novel Sketches: Historical Series, pt. 1 (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Ned Buntline, "That Odious Rascal"; or, This Colonel Was No Chicken (by Bill Butts)
Whither Goest Popular Fiction [brief history of popular, inexpensive fiction -- dime novels, story papers, pulps] (by Albert Tonik)
A Note on Magnet Detective Library #178 (by "A Literary Detective")
Alger Trivia (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Some Addenda and Corrigenda to Bob Bennett's Horatio Alger, Jr., Bibliography (by Stanley A. Pachon)
letter [on Nils Paarelius's book on Norwegian dime novels, De Gamle Herteseriene] (from Ola Strom)
letter from Ev Bleiler
letter [on formats of Schulker's Seckatary Hawkins books] (from Alex T. Shaner)
Aug. 1987:
Dime Novel Sketches: Flag Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Armed with Pen and Ink: The Oliver Optic-Louisa May Alcott Feud (by John T. Dizer)
Harvey King Shackleford -- Fred Fearnot's "Father" (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Robert F. Schulkers -- "Seckatary Hawkins" (by Bob Chenu and Joseph Ruttar)
letter [some 1850s Alger publications] (by Alex T. Shaner)
June 1987:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Secret Service Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Getting His Man: Laurie York Erskine and Renfrew of the Mounted (by David Kirk Vaughan)
"First" Editions of Juvenile Series Books (by Bob Chenu)
review: Street and Smith Dime Novel Bibliography, Part I: Black and White Era 1889-1897 by Edward T. LeBlanc (reviewed by Lydia C. Schurman)
April 1987:
Dime Novel Sketches: Parlor Car Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Civil War in Dime Novels: A Bibliographic Study (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Innovative Mr. Gleason, pt. 2 (by Stanley A. Pachon)
The Merriwell Medal (by Fred L. King)
Feb. 1987:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York 10 Cent Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Reprinted by Popular Demand: Some Publishing Patterns in the Street and Smith Dime Novels (by J. Randolph Cox)
The Innovative Mr. Gleason, pt. 1 (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Dec. 1986:
Dime Novel Sketches: Drama Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Buckskin Sam's Portrayal of Texas in Beadles Dimes (by James L. Evans)
The Portrayal of the South in the Elsie Dinsmore Series (by Elizabeth S. Frank)
Oct. 1986:
Dime Novel Sketches: Eden Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Fact and Fiction in the Franklin W. Dixon Ted Scott Series (by David K. Vaughan)
Horatio Alger, Jr., Creator of American Folklore (by Stanley Pachon)
Aug. 1986:
Dime Novel Sketches: Harkaway Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Treatment of Blacks in Dime Novels (by J. B. Dobkin)
Illustrated by Walter S. Rogers (by Bob Chenu)
The Brilliant Mind of C. A. Stephens (by Louise Harris)
June 1986:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Star Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Penny Bloods (by W. O. G. Lofts)
The Algers: Through the Eyes of a Friend [letters of Mary R. Esty about Alger and Olive Augusta Cheney] (by Stanley A. Pachon)
letter (from Sam Moskowitz)
April 1986:
Dime Novel Sketches: Princess Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Harry Collingwood: Science Fiction and Adventure Writer (by John T. Dizer)
The Dime Novel [reprint of 1924 review of Pearson's Dime Novel]
Edward S. Ellis Collection Bequeathed [to University of Minnesota] by Denis R. Rogers
Feb. 1986:
Dime Novel Sketches: Cobb Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Frank Merriwell Saga (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Case of the Purloined Image [Munro vs. Street & Smith] (by Stanley A. Pachon)
The Trigger Berg Series by Leo Edwards (by Joseph A. Ruttar)
Some Puzzling Alger Trivia [Disagreeable Woman] (by Stanley A. Pachon)
letter [re Holenbach letter about Merriwells in previous issue] (from Peter Walther)
letter [corrections and addenda to Bibliographic Listing of Magnet Detective Library] (from Victor A. Berch)
Dec. 1985:
Dime Novel Sketches: Boys of Liberty Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Dime Novel Detective and His Elusive Trail: Twenty Years of Dime Novel Research (by J. Randolph Cox)
Frank Merriwell's Radio Adventures (by Fred L. King)
Gilbert Patten's Thirteens (by Fred L. King)
Col. Charles D. Randolph: "Buckskin Bill" -- Poet of the Plains (by Melvin Schulte)
Some Puzzling Alger Trivia [Street & Smith's "Leading Novel" Series] (by Stanley A. Pachon)
letter [re Scharnhorst's Lost Life of Horatio Alger] (from Bob Chenu)
letter [memories of Frank Merriwell] (from John [Holenbach])
Oct. 1985:
Dime Novel Sketches: Adventure Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Literary Life of Edward S. Ellis (by Denis R. Rogers)
The Past, Present, and Future of Dime Novel Scholarship (by J. Randolph Cox)
review: Gary Scharnhorst and Jack Bales's The Lost Life of Horatio Alger, Jr. (by John T. Dizer)
letter [response to Dizer's review] (from Gary Scharnhorst)
letter [Munro's publishing addresses] (from Ralph P. Smith)
Aug. 1985:
Dime Novel Sketches: Model Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Brotherly Love -- The Story of the Publishing Rivalry of George and Norman Munro (by Lydia S. Godfrey [Schurman])
The Hidden Message; or, Ned Stratemeyer's Secret Cipher Solved (by E. F. Bleiler)
Collecting Juvenile Books (by Bob Chenu)
Some Puzzling Alger Trivia (by Stanley A. Pachon)
obituary: Denis R. Rogers
June 1985:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dr. Jack Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Nick Carter, Fact or Fiction: The Historical Context of the American Dime Novel (by J. Randolph Cox)
Membership [subscribers] List for 1985
obituary: Chester G. Mayo
April 1985:
Dime Novel Sketches: Old Sleuth's Standard Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Pluck, Perseverance and Pressure: A Study of Dime Novel Authors and Their Craft [Laura Jean Libbey, William Wallace Cook, St. George Rathborne] (by Lydia S. Godfrey [Schurman])
Some Pseudonyms in Juvenile Series Books (by Stanley A. Pachon)
The Creator of Tod Moran: Howard Pease, 1894-1974 (by Jack Schorr)
letter [Theiss's Trailing the Air Mail Bandit -- response to Chenu's article in Oct. 1984] (from Victor A. Berch)
Feb. 1985:
Dime Novel Sketches: Play Book Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Edward Stratemeyer, Tom Swift and the Syndicate (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
The Reincarnation of Cap'n Wiley [in Patten's Frank Merriwell stories] (by Robert McDowell)
letter [Theiss's Trailing the Air Mail Bandit] (from Bob Chenu)
letters (from Sam Moskowitz and Ralph D. Gardner)
Dec. 1984:
Dime Novel Sketches: Old Sleuth's Own (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Dime Novels (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
A Gentleman from Virginia: George Cary Eggleston, 1839-1911, Attorney, Author and Editor (by Jack Schorr)
Some Puzzling Alger Trivia (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Musings of an Old Time Printer (by H. W. Miller)
letter [reprint of Ralph Cummings 1925 letter to Ace High Magazine]
Oct. 1984:
In Grateful Appreciation to Ralph F. Cummings [obituary: reminiscences by Pachon, Acker, Ralph P. Smith, H. W. Miller, LeBlanc]
Lewis E. Theiss and His Juvenile Books (by Bob Chenu)
Adult Writers Who Wrote a Few Juvenile Books, pt. 2 [Cyrus Townsend Brady, Zane Grey, Clarence Budington Kelland] (by Jack R. Schorr)
letter [re Seddon collection and publishing prices; inflated prices for books] (from Hank Gravbelle)
Aug. 1984:
Dime Novel Sketches: Garfield Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Jesse James' Ferocious Exploits; or, Piping the Terrible Outlaw, in The Adventure Series (by Robert Sampson)
The Man Who Loved the West: Edwin LeGrand Sabin, 1870-1952 (by Jack Schorr)
June 1984:
Dime Novel Sketches: Great Western Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Strange Case of Horatio Alger: "From Canal Boy to President" (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Grosset & Dunlap's Changing Formats (by Bob Chenu)
Author -- Lewis B. Miller (by Robert E. Walters)
New Records for Algers Set at Auction of Seddon Collection (by Ralph D. Gardner)
April 1984:
Dime Novel Sketches: Woodville Stories (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Notes on an Undated Catalog (by Robert Sampson)
review: Dime Novel Detective, ed. Gary Hoppenstand (by "Old Cap Collier, Jr.")
Adult Writers Who Wrote a Few Juvenile Books, pt. 1 [Richard Harding Davis, Robert Grant, Walter Camp] (by Jack R. Schorr)
Random Notes: Is There Mershon after Stitt? (by Jack [John T.] Dizer)
Feb. 1984:
Dime Novel Sketches: Jack Harkaway Stories (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
A Dime Novelist's Monthly Reading [excerpts from a selection of dime novels] (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
letter [biographical information on Lewis B. Miller] (from Bob Walters)
Dec. 1983:
Dime Novel Sketches: Welcome Friend Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Buffalo Bill and Ned Buntline: The Dime Novel Takes the Stage (by William S. E. Coleman)
The Literary Album Mystery (by Denis R. Rogers)
letters (from Ralph D. Gardner)
Oct. 1983:
Dime Novel Sketches: Picture Play Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Influence of Dime Novels on Theodore Dreiser (by Lydia S. Godfrey [Schurman])
Bibliographical Reflections -- Postscript on Copyright Data, pt. 2 (by Denis R. Rogers)
letters [Lu Senarens and the Steam Man] (from Walter Rodgers)
Aug. 1983:
Dime Novel Sketches: Buffalo Bill Border Stories (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Bibliographical Reflections -- Postscript on Copyright Data, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers)
The Family Story Paper -- Shakespeare (by Lydia S. Godfrey [Schurman])
June 1983:
Dime Novel Sketches: Happy Thought Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Wanamaker Young People's Library (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
April 1983:
Dime Novel Sketches: Medal/New Medal Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Dime Novel Sketches: Lake Shore Series, pt 2 (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Child Labor in the Stratemeyer Syndicate Series Books (by Deidre Johnson)
Feb. 1983:
Dime Novel Sketches: Lake Shore Series, pt 1 (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Detective Stories of Edward S. Ellis, pt. 2 (by Denis R. Rogers)
Membership List
letter [on making provisions for one's collection] (from J. Randolph Cox)
Dec. 1982:
Dime Novel Sketches: Far West Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Detective Stories of Edward S. Ellis, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers)
letter [destruction of Ross Craufurd's collection; importance of making arrangements for one's collection] (from Albert T. Kish)
letter [death of J. P. Guinon] (from Audrey Buffington)
Oct. 1982:
The Publication History of the Rover Boys (by William R. Gowen)
letter [Frank Merriwell] (from Bob Chenu)
Aug. 1982:
Dime Novel Sketches: Starry Flag Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Frank Merriwell's Hundredth Birthday (by David Soibelman)
John Wallace (Capt. Jack) Crawford: The Dime Novel on Stage (by Mark Robson)
Christopher Morley Talks about Books (by Willis J. Potthoff)
June 1982:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Romance Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Old Cap Collier: A Dossier (by Ross Craufurd)
The Old Order Changeth (by Bob Chenu)
letter [on Salvatore Iacone's The Pleasures of Book Collecting] (from Bill Strong)
April 1982:
Dime Novel Sketches: Cheerful Hour Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Books Written by Hezekiah Butterworth, 1839-1905 (by Jack Schorr)
review: John T. Dizer, Jr.'s Tom Swift and Company (by Peter C. Walther)
letter [on visiting collections and collectors] (from Willis Pothoff)
Feb. 1982:
Dime Novel Sketches: Western Story Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Pulp Hero (by Wooda Nicholas Carr)
Membership List
Dec. 1981:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Fiction Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
In Defense of Horatio Alger, Jr. [re: Brewster] (by Dr. Max Goldberg)
Half Nick Carter and Half Sherlock Holmes [Felix Boyd] (by Robert Sampson)
Notes on World Syndicate Juvenile Aviation Fiction (by Rick Crandall)
letter [Gilbert Patten and James Cain] (from John Dinan)
Oct. 1981:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sport Stories (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Boxes L-179 and L-180: A Descriptive Guide to Some of the Publishing Records of Street & Smith [at Syracuse University] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Ribbing the Rovers (by Gil O'Gara)
The Cobwebbed Bookshelf [books about dime novels and other popular literature] (by Michael L. Cook)
Aug. 1981:
Dime Novel Sketches: Bound to Win Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Promises, Promises, Promises [promotional ads in/for dime novels] (by Ken Donelson)
Hike and the Aeroplane (by Bob Chenu)
Boy Partners, An Edward Edson Lee [Leo Edwards] Publication [bibliographic listing] (by Willis J. Potthoff)
review: Gary Scharnhorst and Jack Bales's Horatio Alger, Jr. (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
June 1981:
Dime Novel Sketches: Alger Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Early Stratemeyer Writings (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
The Winnetka Graded Book List and Its Supplement (by Deidre Johnson)
letters [on disposing of one's collection and the future of dime novel research] (from Harry K. Hudson; Bob Chenu; Bob George; J. Randolph Cox)
letter [on Gilbert Patten's plays] (from Denis R. Rogers)
April 1981:
Dime Novel Sketches: Boys' Home Library Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc) [corrigenda in June 1981]
William Taylor Adams: A Literary Retrospective (by Peter C. Walther)
The Many Faceted Alger [Carl Cantab pseudonym] (by Stanley A. Pachon)
letter [preserving one's collection] (from Murray Bishoff)
letter [Frank Lillie Pollock] (from Stanley A. Pachon)
obituary: Morton Scott Enslin
[note: with this issue, subscription price raised from $5/year (6 issues) to $10/yr; issue length increased from 16 to 24 pgs]
Feb. 1981:
Dime Novel Sketches: Columbia Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Detective-Hero in the American Dime Novel (by J. Randolph Cox)
Thinking about Popular Literature: The Example of the Dime Novel (by David Anderson)
letter [preserving one's collection: university libraries] (from J. B. Dobkin, Special Collections, U of South Florida)
letter [corrigenda to Trowbridge article] (from Gil O'Gara)
letter [Frank Pollock's Northern Diamonds] (from Bob Walters)
Dec. 1980:
Dime Novel Sketches: Shield Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Disposal of a Book Collection (by Denis R. Rogers)
Books by Horatio Alger Jr. and Edward S. Ellis Recorded in "Book Auction Records" (by Denis R. Rogers?)
A Time of Lively Fiction [history of pulp magazines], pt. 7 (by Robert Sampson)
Oct. 1980:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sea and Shore Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Early Juvenile Aviation Fiction (by Rick Crandall)
A Time of Lively Fiction [history of pulp magazines], pt. 6 (by Robert Sampson)
letter (from Sam Moskowitz)
Aug. 1980:
Dime Novel Sketches: Secret Service Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
J. T. Trowbridge -- A Brief Sketch (by Gil O'Gara) [corrigenda in Feb. 1981]
A Time of Lively Fiction [history of pulp magazines], pt. 5 (by Robert Sampson)
June 1980:
Dime Novel Sketches: Fireside Companion (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Winning World War I [in series books] (by Bob Chenu)
A Time of Lively Fiction [history of pulp magazines], pt. 4 (by Robert Sampson)
Those Alger Days (poem) (by Frank Eisenberg)
Obituary of Col. Prentiss Ingraham [reprinted from Confederate Veteran, 1904]
April 1980:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadles Dime Biographical Library (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
A Time of Lively Fiction [history of pulp magazines], pt. 3 (by Robert Sampson)
Evidence of Another Edward Stratemeyer Pseudonym (by Peter C. Walter)
Feb. 1980:
Dime Novel Sketches: Fireside Series (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Charles Pierce Burton: The Father of the Bob's Hill Boys (by Jack Bales)
A Time of Lively Fiction [history of pulp magazines], pt. 2 (by Robert Sampson)
The Hard-Cover Merriwells (by Harry K. Hudson)
Membership list
DNRU contents 1970-79
DNRU contents 1990-2014
Editor, 1952 - June 1994: Edward T. LeBlanc
In the 1980s, Dime Novel Round-Up
was published six times a year; as of 2013, it is quarterly.
Direct inquiries to Editor: Marlena E. Bremseth, Dime Novel Round-Up, P. O. Box 2188, Purcellville, VA 20134
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