Dime Novel Round-Up
Contents of issues 1971-79 (reverse order):
All "Dime Novel Sketches" by Edward T. LeBlanc
Dec. 1979:
Dime Novel Sketches: Cheap Edition of Popular Authors
Poisoning Your Child [Walter Eaton's 1915 criticism of sensational children's books and dime novels] (by Gil O'Gara)
A Time of Lively Fiction [history of pulp magazines], part 1 (by Robert Sampson)
The Most Popular Boys Series of Books (by Bob Chenu)
Sinclair Tousey's Obituary from Fireside Companion (rpt from 1887)
letter [Dave Porter's marriage] (from Paul S. Latimer)
Oct. 1979:
Dime Novel Sketches: Lives of Great Americans
Ellis' Ten War Chief Tales (by Denis R. Rogers)
A Sketch of Hezekiah Butterworth (by Jack Schorr)
Horatio Alger Goes Greeley: From Wretches to Riches (by David Soibelman)
Changes to A Bibliography of Hard-Cover Boys' Books--Revised Ed., cont'd (by Harry K. Hudson)
letter [dime novel plot in Frank Gruber's Market for Murder] (from John Dinan)
letter [Dave Porter's repeat marriage] (from Paul S. Latimer)
Aug. 1979:
Dime Novel Sketches: Tales of Border Adventure
Tom Swift Jr. (by William R. Gowen)
Harrie Irving Hancock's Boys Series Books (by Bob Chenu)
June 1979:
Dime Novel Sketches: Captain Heron Series of Highwayman Tales
Jean Ray, Last and Greatest of the Dime Novelists (by Ross Craufurd)
A New and Interesting Phantom Title (by Harry K. Hudson)
A Quick Synopsis of the Merriwell Saga [list of titles with original stories] (by Ralph P. Smith; rpt. from 1926)
letter [DeWitt publications] (from E. F. Bleiler)
April 1979:
Dime Novel Sketches: G. W. M. Reynold's Novels
The Publication of Tom Swift (by William R. Gowen)
G[rosset] & D[unlap] Every Boys Library Boy Scout Editions (by Bob Chenu)
letter [Wild West Weekly; reminiscences about dime novels in 1915] (from Walter Humbarger)
Feb. 1979:
Dime Novel Sketches: Railroad Reading
Edward Stratemeyer's Appeal to Contemporary Young Readers (by Peter C. Walther)
membership list
letter [Patten in Snappy Stories] (from Bob Sampson)
Dec. 1978:
Dime Novel Sketches: Hilton's Prize Romances
Nick Carter in the Movies (by J. Randolph Cox)
Censorship and Early Adolescent Literature (by Ken Donelson)
Magazine Serial and Book Relationships in Leo Edwards Books (by Bob Chenu)
Oct. 1978:
Dime Novel Sketches: Red Wolf Series
The Aldine Life and Adventure Library (by Denis R. Rogers)
Charles Lamb's Forerunners of the Dime Novel (by J. E. Riehl)
Aug. 1978:
Dime Novel Sketches: Peterson's "Illuminated" Stories
The Early Publications of the Aldine Publishing Company with Special Emphasis on Two Series of Interest to the Alger Specialist (by Denis R. Rogers)
Changes to A Bibliography of Hard-Cover Boys' Books--Revised Ed., cont'd (by Harry K. Hudson)
June 1978:
Dime Novel Sketches: Series of Sea Tales
True Friends ["a play for young people adapted from the Frank Merriwell stories"] (by Steve Press)
Garden City Publishing Company's Paperback Juveniles (by Bob Chenu)
Changes to A Bibliography of Hard-Cover Boys' Books--Revised Ed.(by Harry K. Hudson)
reviews: Irving P. Leif's Children's Literature: A Historical and Contemporary Bibliography and Bobbie Ann Mason's The Girl Sleuth (both reviewed by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
April 1978:
Dime Novel Sketches: Brady's Mercury Stories
A Half Century of the Hardy Boys; or, Clues to an Obscure Chronology (by Robert V. Riordan)
Chester Gard Mayo -- An Appreciation (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
Reprint of two 1933 letters from Lothrop, Lee & Shepard re Elijah Kellogg
reviews: Irving P. Leif's Children's Literature: A Historical and Contemporary Bibliography and Bobbie Ann Mason's The Girl Sleuth (both reviewed by John T. Dizer, Jr.) [also in June 1978 issue]
Feb. 1978:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Twenty-Five Cent Novels
Ellis for Beginners (by Denis R. Rogers)
membership list
Changes to A Bibliography of Hard-Cover Boys' Books--Revised Ed.(by Harry K. Hudson)
Dec. 1977:
Dime Novel Sketches: Tales of Celebrated Highwaymen
Favorite Boyhood Characters on the British Scene, pt. 2 (by W. O. C. Lofts and D. J. Adley)
Who Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance? (by Louise Harris)
Oct. 1977:
Dime Novel Sketches: Brady's People's Novelettes
The Lovell Complex (by Denis R. Rogers)
letters [dime novels' influence on bandits Nola Anderson and Frank Ryan] (from Kent L. Steckmesser; response by Edward T. LeBlanc)
letter [earliest publication of "The Dead Letter"] (from E. F. Bleiler)
Aug. 1977:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Handsome Jack Series
Street & Smith Box M58 (by John T. Dizer)
Oddities of Dime Novel Days [Edward S. Ellis publications] (by Denis R. Rogers)
The Henty Fame and Riches (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Buffalo Bill, Hero of Dime Novels (poem) (by Col. Charles D. Randolph)
letters [first format vs. first edition; errors in Dave Porter] (from Bob Chenu; Paul Latimer)
June 1977:
Dime Novel Sketches: Series of Military Novels
Horatio Alger, Jr., and Ragged Dick (by Kenneth L. Donelson)
Favorite Boyhood Characters on the British Screen, part I (by W. O. G. Lofts and D. J. Adley)
Boys' Book First Editions (by Harry K. Hudson)
letters [Dikty's bibliography; milk for cleaning books; Beadle tidbit] (from Harry K. Hudson; George Holmes; Bill Lippincott)
April 1977:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Stories of the Sea
A Survey of the Probable Publication Pattern of the Books of Edward S. Ellis Issued under the Imprints of A. L. Burt and the A. L. Burt Company, New York (by Denis R. Rogers)
The Biographical Mysteries of George Alfred Henty (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Questions and Answers [Great West Series; Big Brother Series; George Cary Eggleston]
Feb. 1977:
Dime Novel Sketches: Frank Leslie's Popular Library
Diamond Dick (by J. Randolph Cox)
Success and Failure: A Short History of English "Penny Dreadful" Publishers (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Jesse James Sings Again (by J. Randolph Cox)
membership list
Questions and Answers [Great West Series; Up the Ladder Club Series; Clement Eldridge]
Dec. 1976:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Romances
Dime Novel Reviews: The Coming of Dr. Quartz [Nick Carter Library #13] (by J. Randolph Cox)
H. Irving Hancock: A Romanticized View of Sports and Boys (by Ken Donelson)
Oct. 1976:
Dime Novel Sketches: Brady's Champion Stories
The Early [Frances W.] Doughty -- Master of Mysteries and Wonders (by Ross Craufurd)
The Newsboys' Lodging House: Impetus for an Immortal (by Jack Bales)
Questions and Answers [Tom Swift; Value Book Algers]
Aug. 1976:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Nightside Library
Stratemeyer and Science Fiction: Part II -- The Swifts (by John T. Dizer, Jr.) [part I - July 1975]
Movies Featuring Real and Fictional Characters Made Famous by Dime Novels (list compiled by Arthur N. Carter)
A Checklist of Robert M. DeWitt Publications (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
June 1976:
Dime Novel Sketches: Home Library
Fred Fearnot Was There (by Ross Craufurd)
Books of William Heyliger (by Bob Chenu)
letter [Illustrated American Life and Under the Gaslight] (from Ross Craufurd)
April 1976:
Dime Novel Sketches: Popular Series of Fiction Fancy and Fact
William Wallace Cook -- The Marshall Years (by Mabel R. Skjelver)
Displaying One's Collection [Willis Potthoff's collection]
Optic's Serials as Books (by J. R. [Bob] Chenu)
letters [correction to Shackleford attribution in Happy Days bibliographic listing] (from Ross Craufurd)
reprint of 1927 Street & Smith letters to William Wallace Cook
The Dime Novel [reprint of 1924 review of Pearson's Dime Novel]
Edward S. Ellis Collection Bequeathed [to University of Minnesota] by Denis R. Rogers
Feb. 1976:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Jonathan Wild Series
Jesse James in Dime Novels: Ambivalence Towards an Outlaw Hero (by James I. Deutsch)
The Lawrenceville Series, by Owen Johnson (by Bob Chenu)
membership list
Nick Carter Studies (by J. Randolph Cox)
Questions and Answers [Signal Boys]
letter [Optic checklist] (from Janet R. Lillibridge)
obituary: Charles Bragin
Dec. 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: Ned Buntline's Own
Serials and Boys Books by Edward Stratemeyer (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
letter [Under the Gaslight; American Boy] (from Ross Craufurd; Louise Harris)
Oct. 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Good Book Series
Stratemeyer and the Blacks (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
A Chronological Listing of Boys Books by Edward Stratemeyer First Published as Serials
Question and Answers [Boy Scout series; clothbound Merriwells]
Note: With this issue, DNRU changed from monthly to bi-monthly; with March 15, 1975 issue, most issues became 8-12 pgs
July 15, 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: Series of Prize Novels
Stratemeyer and Science Fiction (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
The First Tom Slade Book; or, Movies to Print (by J[ulius]. R. [Bob] Chenu)
Question and Answers [Jack Straw; Ben Lightbody]
letters [Buffalo Bill Stories; James Boys; TASER and Tom Swift] (from Buckskin Bill Randolph; Robert Jennings; George Holmes)
June 15, 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Nightshade Series
Reckless Ralph's Frightful Apparition; or, Saturday Afternoon with the Silver Dollar Kid [visiting collector Ralph Cummings, editor of Happy Hours Brotherhood, DNRU's predecessor] (by Robert Jennings)
Our Flag's Bicentennial (by Louise Harris)
membership list
May 15, 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadle's Dime Tales
Oliver Optic (William Taylor Adams) as Author and Editor, pt. 2 (by S. E. Wallen)
obituary: George Fronval
April 15, 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: People's Five Cent Novelettes
Oliver Optic (William Taylor Adams) as Author and Editor, pt. 1 (by S. E. Wallen)
Nick Carter 100th Anniversary Book [w/ biographical information on J. Randolph Cox] (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
March 15, 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: Highway Series
Bibliographical Reflections, pt. 2 [title erroneously printed as "Biographical"] (by Denis R. Rogers)
Feb. 15, 1975:
Bibliographical Reflections, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers)
Jan. 15, 1975:
Dime Novel Sketches: Munro's Backwoods Series
Famous Tousey Story Papers (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Ah, Those Golden Years [memories of reading dime novels] (by Jack Schorr)
Dec. 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Boys' Books of Romance and Adventure
Beadle's Frontier Series (by Denis R. Rogers)
Nov. 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dawley's New War Novels
Horatio Alger: Symbol for Success, pt. 2 (by Marjorie Heins)
Oct. 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadle's Dime Fiction
Horatio Alger: Symbol for Success, pt. 1 (by Marjorie Heins)
Unraveling the Saalfield Boy Scout Series Puzzle: Addendum No. One (by Bob [Julius R.] Chenu)
Sept. 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dawley's Camp & Fireside Library
Who Was George H. Coomer? Pt. III: George H. Coomer the Writer of Serials and Books (by S. E. Wallen)
Standard Library Reference Books for the Book Collector (by Jack Bales)
Aug. 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Hilton's Dime Books
Who Was George H. Coomer? Pt. II: George H. Coomer the Short Story Writer (by S. E. Wallen)
The Real Robin Hood, pt. 2 (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Disposing of Your Collection (by Jack Schorr)
July 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Home Library/Novels
Who Was George H. Coomer? Pt. I: George H. Coomer the Poet (by S. E. Wallen)
The Real Robin Hood, pt. 1 (by W. O. G. Lofts)
June 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Irwin P. Beadle's Ten Cent Novels
Chapters from the Chronicles of Nick Carter, pt. 2 (by J. Randolph Cox)
[Gilbert] Patten vs. Superior Talking Pictures (rpt. from "Decisions of the United States Courts Involving Copyright 1924-35")
letter [re cataloguing the characters in Tip Top Weekly] (from Bob McDowell)
May 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Five Cent Library
Chapters from the Chronicles of Nick Carter, pt. 1 (by J. Randolph Cox)
The Rolt-Wheeler -- [Lillian M.] Gilbreth Letters (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
April 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Champion Novels
A Lost Novel by G. W. M. Reynolds? (by E. F. Bleiler)
Boy Scouts in a Great Tangle; or, Unraveling the Saalfield Puzzle (by Bob Chenu)
March 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Petersen's Popular Prize Library
An Overlooked Alger Weekly (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Beadles in England, pt. 3 [listed as pt. 2] (by Denis R. Rogers)
Scout Master G. Harvey Ralphson's Triplets (by Bob Chenu)
Feb. 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Redpath's Books for the Camp Fires
Beadles in England, pt. 2 (by Denis R. Rogers)
obituary: Deane Banta
Jan. 15, 1974:
Dime Novel Sketches: Hilton's Ten Cent Novels
Beadles in England, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers)
membership list
obituary: Robert Dartt [letter from Dartt's brother-in-law with additional info in April, 1974 issue]
Dec. 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Ten Cent Irish Novels
On the Track of Popular Culture: The Story of the [University of Minnesota's] Hess Collection of Dime Novels, Story Papers and Newsstand Literature (by J. Randolph Cox)
Horatio Alger's Last Hero [rpt. of blurb for 1974 ed. of Cast Upon the Breakers]
Nov. 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Original Union Novels
Cap'n Wiley: Maine's Merry Munchausen (by Frank C. Acker)
The Elusives [series books] (by Jack Schorr)
Two Boys Books Writers from Wisconsin [Leslie Quirk and Everett McNeil] (by Marge Dahl)
Oct. 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadles 15c Novels
Frank Merriwell vs. Fred Fearnot [fiction from 1928 featuring two dime novel characters, written by a collector and fan] (by Ralph P. Smith)
Sept. 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Richmond's (Sensation) Novels
The New York Sun and Those Elusive Alger Serials (by Stanley A. Pachon)
The Edward S. Ellis Stories Published by The Mershon Complex, pt. 3 (by Denis R. Rogers)
Aug. 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadles Classic Stories
The Edward S. Ellis Stories Published by The Mershon Complex, pt. 2 (by Denis R. Rogers)
Merriwell Apocrypha [Ward Moore's Frank Merriwell story in Galaxy, 1973] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Time for the Truth [Youth's Companion on the Pledge of Allegiance and the flag program] (by Louise Harris)
July 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Boys' Home Library Series
The Edward S. Ellis Stories Published by The Mershon Complex, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers)
[W. O.] Stoddard, Saltillo Boys, and Syracuse (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
letter [corrections to Cleek bibliography, April issue] (from J. Randolph Cox)
June 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dawley's Ten Penny Novels
Spring-Heeled Jack (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Neglected Weeklies [Young People's Weekly; New Sabbath Library] (by Ralph P. Smith)
letters [Thomas March Clark's John Whopper, the Newsboy] (from Stanley A. Pachon; Tom Moriarty)
May 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Advance Ten Cent Novels
Dime Novel Series Title Changes; or, Don't Be Deceived by the Wrapper (by Denis R. Rogers and Edward T. LeBlanc)
Going, Going, Gone [difficulties of collecting] (by Jack R. Schorr)
review: Ralph D. Gardner's Road to Success (reviewed by Kenyon C. Rosenberg)
April 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Highway Novels
Cleek and His Forty Faces; or, T. W. Hanshew, a Dime Novelist Who Made Good, pt. 2 (by J. Randolph Cox) [corrigenda in July 15 issue]
You've Told Whoppers -- Ever Read One? [John Whopper, The Newsboy] (by Walter H. McIntosh)
letter [auction prices for bibliographies] (from Walter H. McIntosh)
March 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Sensation Ten Cent Novels
Cleek and His Forty Faces; or, T. W. Hanshew, a Dime Novelist Who Made Good, pt. 1 (by J. Randolph Cox)
The Boy Scout Series Book Mess (by Bob Chenu)
Feb. 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: Chaney's Union Novels
James Malcolm Rymer and Thomas Pecket Prest: Two Writers of Gothic "Bloods" (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Jan. 15, 1973:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Library
Buffalo Bill's Benevolence (by Gerald J. McIntosh)
Membership list
Answers to Merriwell Quiz [from Oct. 1972 issue] (by Bob McDowell)
review: Dover reprint of James Malcolm Rymer's Varney the Vampyre (reviewed by Edward T. LeBlanc)
obituary: Gerald James McIntosh
Dec. 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Boy's Own Novels
Travels of a Book Collector (by Jack R. Schorr and H. W. Miller)
Paperbacks, Dime Novels and the Virtues of Reading Series Books (by Jack [John T.] Dizer)
The Saga of Frank Merriwell [summary of Tip Top Library No. 3] (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Nov. 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Black Highway Novels
"Wanted: A Hero" [various heroes in series books] (by Jack R. Schorr)
The Saga of Frank Merriwell [summary of Tip Top Library No. 2] (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
letters [Smith Street reprints; Nick Carter in Ainslee's] (from J. Randolph Cox; Jack Rudman)
Oct. 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: Frank Starr's American Novels
A Publication Pattern of Edward S. Ellis, pt. 2 (by Denis R. Rogers and J. Edward Leithead)
Merriwell Quiz (by Bob McDowell) [answers in Jan. 1973 issue]
Sept. 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Claude Duval Series
A Publication Pattern of Edward S. Ellis, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers and J. Edward Leithead)
Willard Thompson, Book Dealer (by John Guernsey) (rpt. from Portland Oregonian)
The Saga of Frank Merriwell [summary of Tip Top Library No. 1] (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Aug. 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: Ornum & Co's Fifteen Cent Romances
Dime Novel Sidelights (by Ralph P. Smith)
From Boxes to Shelves; or, How to Know What You Have (by Jack R. Schorr)
letter [reminiscences on childhood reading of Treasure Island] (from Ralph [P.] Smith)
July 15, 1972:
Bibliographic Listing: Rough Rider Weekly and the Ted Strong Saga (by J. Edward Leithead and Edward T. LeBlanc)
June 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadles Pocket Novels
Treasure Island (by W. O. G. Lofts)
obituary: Al Vogt
May 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: DeWitt's Ten Cent Romances
Hybrids, Oddities and Freaks, [unusual printings of Edward S. Ellis books] pt. 2 (by Denis R. Rogers)
April 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadles New Dime Novels
Hybrids, Oddities and Freaks, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers)
A Book Grabber's Gripes (by Jack R. Schorr)
March 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: Ten Cent Claude Duval Novels
Following the Merriwell Trail (by Gerald J. McIntosh)
Bill Bruce Books Background (by Julius R. [Bob] Chenu)
Feb. 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadle & Adams' 20 Cent Novels
The Roaring Girl (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Browsing Around (by Jack R. Schorr)
Membership list
Jan. 15, 1972:
Dime Novel Sketches: Ten Cent Popular Novels
In Defense of Listing Current Alger Values (by Ralph D. Gardner)
The Garfield Library, pt. 3 (by Denis R. Rogers)
Dec. 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Munro's Ten Cent Novels
The Garfield Library, pt. 2 (by Denis R. Rogers)
Some of the Boys' Books from Britain (by Jack R. Schorr)
Nov. 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Ornum's Indian Novels
The Garfield Library, pt. 1 (by Denis R. Rogers)
Girls' Books Should Be Collected (by Harlan Miller)
Oct. 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Irwin's American Novels
Used Book Prices (by Denis R. Rogers)
4500, All Mint [a book collector's fantasy] (by Jack R. Schorr)
Sept. 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Ten Cent Novelettes
A List of Alger Titles, pt. 2 (by Morton S. Enslin)
Hard Ones to Find -- Do They Really Exist? (by Bob Chenu)
Aug. 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Library of Adventure and Romance
A List of Alger Titles, pt. 1 (by Morton S. Enslin)
A Few of the Non Series Books (by Jack Schorr)
July 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Youths Library
Land of the Heroes, pt. 2 (by John T. Dizer)
June 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Illustrated Library
Land of the Heroes, pt. 1 [locations in series books] (by John T. Dizer)
Displaying Your Collection (by Jack R. Schorr)
May 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Laughing Series
New York Boys' Library Published by Norman L. Munro, pt. 2 (by Rhoda Gay Walgren)
A Few of the Less Known Series (By Jack Schorr)
Short Story [a series of notes and notices from subscribers about the musical "Frank Merriwell's Honor"]
April 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Factory Life Library
New York Boys' Library Published by Norman L. Munro, pt. 1 (by Rhoda Gay Walgren)
Collecting Books for Your Kids to Read (by Jack R. Schorr)
March 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Union Library
Anatomy of Dime Novels: No. 21: Stories of Polar Exploration, pt. 2 [conclusion of reprint of Harry Lakeland's "King of the Ice" from All Around Weekly (1911)] (by J. Edward Leithead)
The Wonderful adventures of Cap't Wiley: Edited by Burt L. Standish -- Gilbert Patten (by Gerald J. McIntosh)
Feb. 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: Good News Library
Anatomy of Dime Novels: No. 21: Stories of Polar Exploration, pt. 1 [article includes reprint of Harry Lakeland's "King of the Ice" from All Around Weekly (1911)] (by J. Edward Leithead)
Jan. 15, 1971:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Boy's Library
Collecting for Fun or Profit (by Jack R. Schorr)
Membership list
Dec. 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Nickel Library
Anatomy of Dime Novels: No. 20 -- Stories of the Stage, pt. 2 (by J. Edward Leithead)
Nov. 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: Indian Tales
Anatomy of Dime Novels: No. 20 -- Stories of the Stage, pt. 1 (by J. Edward Leithead)
Your Wife and Your Collection (by Jack Schorr)
In Memoriam: J. Edward Leithead
Oct. 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Novelist
The Dime Novel As An Historian's Tool, pt. 2 (by William A. Settle, Jr.)
A New Custer Book by Don Russell (by J. Edward Leithead)
Sept. 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: Broadway Library
The Dime Novel As An Historian's Tool, pt. 1 (by William A. Settle, Jr.)
Odds 'N' Ends (by Jack Schorr)
Obituary: George Washington French
Newsy Notes (by Ralph F. Cummings)
Aug. 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Boys' Own Library
Anatomy of Dime Novels: No. 19 -- Stories of Boarding School and College Sports, pt. 2 (by J. Edward Leithead)
Odds 'N' Ends (by Jack Schorr)
July 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Boys' Library
Anatomy of Dime Novels: No. 19 -- Stories of Boarding School and College Sports, pt. 1 (by J. Edward Leithead)
Newsy Notes (by Ralph F. Cummings)
June 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Champion Library
The Boys' Own Library (by Denis R. Rogers)
My Visit with Pawnee Bill (by Gerald McIntosh)
Newsy Notes (by Ralph F. Cummings)
Dime Novel Collectors Book Shelf (Reviews): W. O. G. Lofts and D. J. Adley's Old Boys Books. A Complete Catalogue and Sam Moskowitz's Under the Moons of Mars
May 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: Yankee 5 Cent Library
Horatio Alger, Jr., After Seventy Years, pt. 2 (by Morton S. Enslin)
Frank James Rides Again Down the Dime Novel Outlaw Trail (poem) (By Col. Charles D. Randolph [Buckskin Bill])
Newsy Notes (by Ralph F. Cummings)
Supplement: Bibliographic Listing of New Buffalo Bill Weekly
April 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: Army and Navy Library
Horatio Alger, Jr., After Seventy Years, pt. 1 (by Morton S. Enslin)
Odds 'N' Ends (by Jack R. Schorr)
Those Good Old Dime Novel Days (poem) (By Col. Charles D. Randolph [Buckskin Bill])
March 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: Beadles Dime Novels
Anatomy of Dime Novels: No. 18 -- The Alamo and the Mexican War (by J. Edward Leithead)
The Wonderful adventures of Cap't Wiley: Edited by Burt L. Standish -- Gilbert Patten (by Gerald J. McIntosh)
Feb. 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: The American Library
Shopton, Home of the Swifts [Tom Swift] (by John T. Dizer, Jr.)
F[rederick]. W. Davis, 74, of 'Nick Carter' Authors, Dead (rpt. of 1933 obituary)
Jeff Clayton -- Sexton Blake; or, Another Mystery Solved (by J. Edward Leithead)
Jan. 15, 1970:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Novelette
Exasperations of a Book Collector (by Jack R. Schorr)
Dime Novel "Daze" (by Gerald J. McIntosh)
Membership list
Contents 1980-89 Contents 1990-2012
Editor, 1952 - June 1994: Edward T. LeBlanc; August 1994 - December 2012: J. Randolph Cox;
2013 - Marlena E. Bremseth
As of 2013, Dime Novel Round-Up will be published quarterly.
Direct inquiries to Editor: Marlena E. Bremseth, Dime Novel Round-Up, P. O. Box 2188, Purcellville, VA 20134
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