Key to codes
AAH = American Antiquarian Historical Periodicals
APS = American Periodical Series
(art) = article (non-fiction, advice, essay)
(art/auto) = autobiographical piece
(ss) = short story
Katherine Kent Child Walker's publications appeared with various author attributions. Her earliest books were anonymous; periodical pieces published after her marriage in 1863 were by Mrs. E. A. Walker, Mrs. Edward Ashley Walker, Mrs. Katherine C. Walker, or Mrs. Katherine K. C. Walker.
A Little Leaven, and What it Wrought at Mrs. Blake's School (A. D. F. Randolph)
Online at Google Books
Our Little Girls (A. D. F. Randolph, 1858/59)
Watson's Woods; or, Margaret Huntington's Experiment (A. D. F. Randolph, 1859)
Online at Google Books
The Two Heaps and What Miss Brown's Sunday-School Class Did about Them. (A. D. F. Randolph, 1859/1860)
Online at Google Books
Margaret at Home; or, The Leaven Still Working (A. D. F. Randolph, 1861/62)
The Cross-bearer: A Vision (American Tract Society)
Online at Google Books
"St. Luke's Hospital" Harper's New Monthly Magazine. 25 (Sept. 1862): 503-06. (art)
Online at Google Books
Published under the pseudonym K. K. Kind
Zoe's Story; or, Old Friends and Foes in Masks. (A. D. F. Randolph)
Pet Dayton (A. D. F. Randolph)
"One of the 'Dogs of War'" Harper's New Monthly Magazine. 28 (May 1864): 752. (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
Published under the pseudonym K. K. Kind
"Three Trophies from the War." Harper's New Monthly Magazine. 29 (June 1864): 60-65. (ss)
Online at Google Books
"The Total Depravity of Inanimate Things.” Atlantic Monthly 14 (Sept. 1864): 357-64. AAH (art/auto)
Also online at Google Books
"Ultramarine Views." Harper's New Monthly Magazine 30 (March 1865):526-30. (art/auto?)
Online at Google Books
Climbing the Glacier (Translation of
German work by Anton Hoffman.) (A. D. F. Randolph)
"A Nice Time." Harper's New Monthly Magazine 31 (Aug. 1865):366-.70 (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
"Seeing Naples." Harper's New Monthly Magazine 31 (Oct. 1865):605-09. (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
"Pozzuoli and Vesuvius." Harper's New Monthly Magazine 31 (Nov. 1865):756-61. (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
"All Roads Lead to Rome Harper's New Monthly Magazine32 (Jan. 1866):224-28. (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
"The Little Southerners" Our Young Folks 2 (June 1866): 321-27. AAH APS (ss)
Also online at Google Books
"American Studios in Rome and Florence"Harper's New Monthly Magazine33 (June 1866):101-05. (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
"'Sanctuary Privileges' in Rome." Harper's New Monthly Magazine33 (July 1866):226-33. (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
"The Little Girl Who Wrote a Book" Our Young Folks 3 (Feb. 1867): 79-85. AAH APS (ss)
Also online at Google Books
"About Me" Our Young Folks 3 (Aug. 1867): 462-70. AAH APS (ss)
Also online at Google Books
"A Half-day in Rouen." Advance 1 (Oct. 3, 1867): 1. AAH (art)
"Children and the Kingdom." Advance 1 (April 30, 1868): 1. AAH (art)
"About Me and the Big Sea Water." Our Young Folks 4 (May 1868): 280-93. AAH APS (ss)
Also online at Google Books
"Children and the Church." Advance 1 (June 4, 1868): 1. AAH (art)
"About Me on My Travels." Our Young Folks 4 (July 1868): 429-41. AAH (ss)
Online at Google Books
"The Dead of Rome." 2 parts. Advance 1-2 (July 30; Aug. 30, 1868): 1. AAH (art/auto)
"Not about the Dead of Rome." Advance 2 (Sept. 3, 1868): 1. AAH (art)
"Among the Kayaderosseras Mountains." Advance 2(Oct. 1, 1868): 1. AAH (art)
"October in Vermont." Advance 2 (Nov. 5, 1868): 1. AAH (art/auto)
"Is It Well with the Child?" Advance 2 (Nov. 19, 1868): 1. AAH (art)
"The Event of the Season." Advance 2 (Dec. 17, 1868): 1. AAH (art)
"Last Week's Paper." Advance 2 (Dec. 31, 1868): 1. AAH (art)
The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which is to Come. In Words of One Syllable. Retelling. (New York: G.A. Leavitt)
From the Crib to the Cross. A Life of Christ in Words of One Syllable. (New York: G.A. Leavitt)
Online at Internet Archive
"The Spanish Baby." Advance 2 (April 8, 1869): 3. AAH (art)
"Co-operative Housekeeping."
Household 2 (July 1869): 115. AAH (art)
Reprinted from the The Congregationalist
also in Universalist 2 (July 3, 1869): 4. AAH
"The Side Issue of Co-operative House-keeping." Advance 2 (July 22, 1869): 1. AAH (art)
"A Gleam of Light." Advance 3 (Nov. 4, 1869): 1. AAH (art)
"The Children's Gospel." Christian Union 1 (Jan 15, 1870): 33. APS (art)
"Joseph of Nazareth."
Advance 3 (Jan. 27, 1870): 1. AAH (art)
"Hints and Parentheses."
Advance 3 (March 24, 1870): 1. AAH (art)
"Legends of the Holy Infancy: I." Christian Union 1 (April 30, 1870): 274. APS (art)
"Legends of the Holy Infancy: II." Christian Union 1 (June 4, 1870): 353. APS (art)
"Frederick William Faber." Pts. 1-3
Advance 3 (June 16; July 21; Aug. 18, 1870): 1. AAH (art)
"About the Harvard Special Course."
Advance 4 (Oct. 27, 1870): 1. AAH (art)
"New Haven Privileges."
Advance 4 (Dec. 29, 1870): 1. AAH (art/auto)
"Little Noble's Sermon."
Advance 4 (Nov. 17, 1870): 3. AAH (ss)
Reprinted from Hearth and Home.
"Applications of Bible Texts."
Christian Union 2 (Dec 31, 1870): 405. APS
"Remarks in Passing." Advance 4 (Feb. 23, 1871): 1. AAH (art)
"Harvard vs Yale." Advance 4 (March 16, 1871): 1. AAH (art/auto)
"Improvement of Scripture." Advance 4 (May 4, 1871): 1. AAH (art)
"The Early Companions of Jesus." Advance 4 (July 6, 1871): 1. AAH (art)
"The Flight into Egypt." Advance 4 (July 27, 1871): 1. AAH (art)
"The Cloak Cubby and the Blue Room: How We Lost Aunt Fanny." Scribner's Monthly 2 (Oct. 1871): 625-36 (ss)
Also online at Google Books
"An Appeal in Behalf of Jane Doe." Advance 5 (Jan. 25, 1872): 1. AAH (art)
"Nuts to Crack." Advance 5 (Feb. 22, 1872): 3. AAH (art)
"Jane Doe as a Business Woman." Advance 5 (Feb. 29, 1872): 1. AAH (art)
"Last Words To Jane Doe. " Advance 5 (April 25, 1872): 1. AAH (art)
"What Shall We Do With Them?" Illustrated Christian Weekly 2 (April 27, 1872): 198-99. AAH (art/auto)
"Rosy's Fourth of July." Advance 5 (July 25, 1872). AAH (ss)
Note: This is not the same as the book by Sarah Stuart Robbins.
"Pritchard!" Illustrated Christian Weekly 2 (Aug. 17,1872): 390-391. AAH (art)
"Our Palm-Sunday: Programme."
Christian Union 6 (Sept. 11, 1872): 223-24. AAH (art)
"What I Know about the Tower of Babel." Oliver Optic's Magazine: Our Boys and Girls 12 (Oct 1872): 683-86. (art)
Also online at Google Books
Note: although this bears the same title as her Aug. 1875 article, they are different pieces.
"The Little Desk, and What Came of It." Little Corporal 15 (Oct. 1872): 120-124. AAH (ss)
Also online at Google Books
"The Willing Hearts." Life and Light for Heathen Women [mission magazine] Dec. 1872: 382-83. AAH (art)
Note: "The Willing Hearts," a short paragraph on the newly-formed society, in Life and Light for Heathen Women June 1872: 286, is unsigned but probably also Walker's work.
Charting Walker's publications after 1872 becomes complicated because another E. A. Walker, in England, also began publishing about this time. A number of the British publications attributed to Mrs. Edward Ashley Walker in WorldCat and similar databases appear to have that attribution because they were either published as by "E. A. Walker" or under the initials "E. A. W." None of those have been included in this list, because they have not been seen and the connection with Katherine Kent Child Walker seems tenuous at best.
Similarly, although the periodical Christian Banner is an American publication, contributions by E. A. Walker are not listed here. Most are written by a British correspondent ("Religious News From England") and one poem is signed "Miss E. A. Walker, London".
"Tuscan Bellosguardo."
Christian Union 7 (Feb 26, 1873): 163. AAH (art)
"The Carnival at Rome in 1865."
Youth's Companion 46 (April 10, 1873): 116. (art) AAH (art)
"Over the Hill to the Poorhouse." Illustrated Christian Weekly 3 (Nov. 22, 1873): 567. AAH (art)
"A Country Graveyard."
Illustrated Christian Weekly 4 (Feb. 21, 1874): 94. AAH (art/auto)
"Spermaceti for an Inward Bruise." Christian Union 9 (May 13, 1874): 364-65. AAH (ss)
"The Children's Sabbath." Christian Union 9 (June 17, 1874): 473. AAH (art)
"An Epistle to the Elect Lady." Illustrated Christian Weekly 4 (Aug. 15, 1874): 391. AAH (art)
"Mr Kingsley's Lectures on Northern Italy" New Englander and Yale Review 33 (1874): 799. (art)
Reprinted from the New Haven Journal and Courier Oct 5, 1874.
Also online at Google Books
"The Winthrop-Drury Affair." Scribner's Monthly 10 (Oct. 1875): 753-69. (ss)
Online at Google Books
"What I Know about the Tower of Babel." Oliver Optic's Magazine. Our Boys and Girls 18 (Aug 1875): 589-92. APS (art)
Also online at Google Books
Note: although this piece shares a title with the Oct. 1872 article, they are not the same.
"Echoes from an Old Parsonage."
Atlantic Monthly 40 (Oct. 1877): 468-75. AAH (art/auto)
Online at Google Books
"A Book Worth Reading." Sunday Afternoon 3 (August 1879): 742-44. (art)
This periodical was also issued under the title Good Company.
Online at Google Books
"Is There Not a Lie in Our Right Hand?" Good
Company 4.1 (Sept? 1879): 83-85. (art)
Online at Google Books
"Weeds: (A Mild Symposium Consisting of Him and Her, and Her Skeleton)." Good Company 4.4 (Dec? 1879): 351-55. (art)
Online at Google Books
"Some Intimations of Early Childhood."
Atlantic Monthly 45 (March 1880): 327-35. (art)
Online at Google Books
"Wanted." Good Company 5.7 (April? 1880): 81-83 (art)
Online at Google Books
"Going Going" Good Company 5.9 (June? 1880): 260-62. (art)
Online at Google Books
"The Bible in the Nursery."
45 Atlantic Monthly (June 1880): 775-79. (art)
Online at Google Books
"An Upper Shelf Book." Good Company 5.10 (July? 1880): 367-73 (art/review of Joseph Victor Sheffel's Ekkehard [1872])
Online at Google Books
"The Home."
Christian Union 22 (July 14, 1880): 32. AAH
"Stones and Serpents for the Children." Good Company 5.11 (Aug. 1880): 465-68. (art)
Online at Google Books
"N or M."
Christian Union 25 (March 30, 1882): 298-99. APS (art)
"A Martha-Cure."
Congregationalist 84 (March 16, 1899): 378. APS (art)