Checklist of Publications by Sarah West Lander (1819/20-1872)


Gems from the German (Ditson) (trans. by S. W. L.)?
The Ditson publication is sheet music. A "New Publications" notice in the 25 Dec. 1854 Salem Register states that Sarah Lander ("Miss S. W. L., a young lady of this city") translated lyrics for at least three songs in the series -- Franz Otto's "This Is the Lord's Own Day" and "Man Can Not Always Joyful Be," and Lindblad's "Afar." None of these items have been seen.


Reviews of 1860 publications in Salem Register

The Jumping-Jack's Journey; or, The Perilous Adventures of a Jumping Jack, a Tin Soldier, and a Nut Cracker; translated by S. W. Lander (Boston: Whittemore, Niles and Hall, c1857?)


New Fairy Stories for My Grand-children by George Kell, translated from the German by S. W. Lander. (New York: D. Appleton and Company)
Story collection -- Contents: The Snow Man, The Stork, The Blind Child, Nack's Shadow, The Two Friends

Flower Pictures by Elise Polko. Translated by S. W. Lander (New York: D. Appleton and Company)
Story collection -- Contents: The Dolls That Grow; The Snowdrop [online]; The Violet Inn; The Lily of the Valley's First Ball; The Forget-Me-Not; The Moss Rose; The Ivy


Spectacles for Little Eyes (Boston: Walker, Wise & Company )
Reissued as Spectacles for Young Eyes: Boston Online at Google Books


Spectacles for Young Eyes: St. Petersburg (Boston; Walker, Wise & Company)
Online at Google Books


Spectacles for Young Eyes: Pekin (Boston; Walker, Wise & Company) )
Online at Google Books

Spectacles for Young Eyes: Moscow
Online at Google Books


Spectacles for Young Eyes: Zurich (Boston: Walker, Wise & Company)
Online at Google Books


Spectacles for Young Eyes: Berlin (Boston: Walker, Fuller & Company)
Online at Google Books 1863 publisher's ad for Spectacles

Spectacles for Young Eyes: Rome (Boston: Walker, Fuller & Company))
Online at Google Books


Spectacles for Young Eyes: New York (New York: Sheldon & Company)
Online at Google Books

Fairy Bells and What They Tolled Us (Boston: H. B. Fuller)
Online at Hathi Trust
Story collection -- Contents: The Palace of Egg Shells, The Playfellow, The Grateful Mouse, The Naughty Children, The Mittens, The Fisherman's Tom Thumb, The Money-Box of Little Max, The Little Gray Man, The Comforting Angel, the Christmas Tree, The May-Beetle, The Little Tormentor, The Giant's Daughter, The Flowers, The Two Little Fishes, The Little Basket, The Beads, The Inheritance, The Rose of Vulture Mountain

March - "The Little Dykeman," Merry's Museum
Online at Google Books

April - "The Flowers of Spring" Merry's Museum
Online at Google Books

May - "The Trials of a Little King" Merry's Museum
Online at Google Books illus: Rose of Vulture Mountain


March - "Praise to God," Merry's Museum
Online at Google Books

April - "Drops of Water," Merry's Museum
Online at Google Books


May - "Spring," Merry's Museum
Online at Google Books

Sept - "The Crippled Boy," Merry's Museum
Reprinted in Happy Days for Boys and Girls (Horace B. Fuller, 1877)
Note: Fuller also published Merry's Museum.
Happy Days online at Project Gutenberg

Oct? - "The Rose of Vulture Mountain," Merry's Museum
[from Fairy Bells, and What They Tolled Us]


May? - "Harvest-Time," Merry's Museum

June - "Pandora's Box," Merry's Museum

Miscellaneous (Original source not located)


Feb 1 - "An Unworded Prayer," Salem [MA] Register
Reprinted in Friends' Intelligencer 1888 Online at Google Books
Note: The same poem appears anonymously in various sources under different titles. The earliest found is the collection Posies for Children (Roberts Brothers, 1870) under the title "The A, B, C."

Information about Lander's publications in Merry's Museum from Pat Pflieger's Robert Merry's Museum: Author Index

See also Cary Sternick's entry, "The Spectacles Series," at Thoughts of Bibliomaven for examples of different editions of Spectacles titles.

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