This short-lived series, generally considered the only dime novel series aimed at girls, was published by Street & Smith at the turn of the century. Each issue ran 32 pages, which often included several pages of a letters column.
The original covers were in color; reproductions here are from photocopies. The first 30 stories, which were written by Lurana Sheldon under the house name Grace Shirley, followed the adventures and ongoing romance of Marion Marlowe.
1. From Farm to Fortune; or, Only a Farmer's Daughter. Sept. 29, 1900.
Click here for a larger black-and-white image of the cover of
this issue.
Online at NIU's Nickels and Dimes
2. Marion Marlowe's Courage; or, A Brave Girl's Struggle For Life and Honor. Oct. 6, 1900.
3. Marion Marlowe's True Heart; or, How a Daughter Forgave. Oct. 13, 1900.
Click here for a transcription of the complete text of this story.
4. Marion Marlowe's Noble Work; or, The Tragedy at the Hospital. Oct. 20, 1900.
Click here for a larger black-and-white image of the cover of this issue.
5. Marion Marlowe Entrapped; or, The Victim of Professional Jealousy. Oct. 27, 1900.
6. Marion Marlowe's Peril; or, A Mystery Unveiled. Nov. 3, 1900.
7. Marion Marlowe's Money; or, Brave Work in the Slums. Nov. l0, 1900.
8. Marian Marlowe's Cleverness; or, Exposing a Bold Fraud. Nov. 17, 1900.
9. Marion Marlowe's Skill; or, A Week as a Private Detective. Nov. 24, 1900.
10. Marion Marlowe's Triumph; or, In Spite of Her Enemies. Dec. 1, 1900.
11. Marion Marlowe's Disappearance; or, Almost a Crime. Dec. 8, 1900.
Click here for a larger black-and-white image of the cover of this issue.
12. Marion Marlowe in Society; or, A Race for a Title. Dec. 15, 1900.
13. Marion Marlowe's Christmas Eve; or, The Treachery of a Factory Inspector. Dec. 22, 1900.
14. Marion Marlowe's Escape; or, A Dangerous Mistake "On the Road". Dec. 29, 1900.
15. Marion Marlowe in Buffalo; or, Betrayed by a Rival Company. Jan. 5, 1901.
16. Marion Marlowe in Cleveland; or, The Mystery of the Blood-Red Rose. Jan. 12, 1901.
17. Marion Marlowe in Columbus; or, Accused of a Crime. Jan. 19, 1901.
18. Marion Marlowe in Indianapolis; or, The Adventure of Doctor Brookes. Jan. 26, 1901.
19. Marion Marlowe in St. Louis; or, A Forger's Brave Deed. Feb. 2, 1901.
20. Marion Marlowe in Chicago; or, Trapped by a Lunatic. Feb. 9, 1901.
21. Marian Marlowe in St. Paul; or, The Company's Mascot in a Double Deal. Feb. 16, 1901.
22. Marion Marlowe in Omaha; or, Held Up By Accident. Feb. 23, 1901.
23. Marion Marlowe on the Prairie; or, A Thrilling Ride Across Kansas. Mar. 2, 1901.
Online at NIU's Nickels and Dimes
24. Marian Marlowe in Washington: or, Meeting the President. Mar. 9, 1901.
Click here for a larger black-and-white image of the cover of this issue.
25. Marian Marlowe in Salt Lake City; or, A Bad Deal in Mormon Land. Mar. 16, 1901.
26. Marion Marlowe in Denver; or, The Tragedy of Pike's Peak. Mar. 23, 1901.
27. A Wonderful Secret; or, Marion Marlowe's Discovery. Mar. 30, 1901.
28. An Interrupted Wedding; or, Marian Marlowe as Maid of Honor. April 6, 1901.
Online at NIU's Nickels and Dimes
29. A Lover's Quarrel; or, Marion Marlowe's Deceitful Friend. April 13, 1901.
30. Under Lock and Key; or, Marian Marlowe's Last Role. April 20, 1901.
With number 31, series changes to stories reprinted from British publications with author given as Bertha M. Clay, a Street & Smith house name. Edward T. LeBlanc's bibliographies note that Street & Smith records indicate Frederick Davis was the actual author of the stories.
31. A Fatal Love. April 27, 1901.
32. Where Love Leads. May 4, 1901.
33. A Lover in Disguise. May 11, 1901.
34. Did She Hate Him? May 18, 1901.
35. Already Married. May 25, 1901.
36. Her Love Was True. June 1, 1901.
37. Her Dreadful Secret. June 8, 1901.
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