List of Sophie May's fiction in Merry's Museum

All-Fools' Day, 1863.1: 110-112 (April)
Barbara Blythe, 1861.2: 44-47 (Aug.)
Brother Towler, 1862.1: 8-13 (Jan)
Caroline Thorpe, 1863.1: 77-79 (March)
Children's "Old Times", 1864.2: 109-113 (Oct.)
Cooking a Ghost, 1867.1: 53-55 (Feb.)
Elva Seeking Her Fortune, ch 1-12, 1865
        Read "Elva" as illustrated HTML
          (both at Pat Pflieger's excellent Nineteenth-century American children and what they read webpage)
Fairy of the Forest, The, 1864.2: 40-42 (Aug.)
Good Old Times, 1861.2: 130-133 (Nov.)
Ida's Birthday, 1864.1: 50-51 (Feb.)
Iron Egg, The, 1865.2: 170-172 (Dec.)
Joggo at School, 1863.2: 170-172 (Dec.)
Little Captain, The, 1864.2: 2-7 (July)
Little Hatchet, 1861.2: 161-165 (Dec.)
Nervous Henrietta, 1862.1: 177-178 (June)
Old Lady Satterlee, 1863.2: 82-84 (Sept.)
Out On the Ocean, 1864.1: 102-105 (April)
Two May Queens, The, 1863.1: 129-132 (May)
White Rabbit, The, 1863.1: .181-183 (June)
Wild Oats, ch. 1-12, 1866

List courtesy of Pat Pflieger. Copyright 1999-2000.
For more information on Merry's Museum and Nineteenth-century American children and what they read, visit her site. It contains an excellent introduction to the subject and includes rare photos and the texts of additional stories and poems from Merry's Museum .

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